
  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Lost my partner today im lost and scared .He was my life for 18 years .

  • Oh my dear.  I am so so sorry that this has happened.  You have my deepest sympathy.  Do you have family or friends who you can turn to for support?

  • faithful,

    Thinking of you at this time.

    Be reassured that you will find nothing but support from all of us on here.

    Take care,


  • Hi zebra thankyou for replying its such a loneley place to be isnt it how are you xx

  • means a lot how are you xx

  • Me? This morning is one of those where my head seems clearer and calmer. I have a few more of these but the sadness comes back as to be expected.

    I do like when I can reflect on all of the happier moments and what we did all those years. I wish I could explain what makes this morning any different however, it is something that I simply can't do!

    I'm down to a few weeks when it will be a year. Where has it gone? Goodness knows. I do know that I'll be visiting quite a number of favourite places on that day.

    Take care,


  • Oh sorry for your loss . I  dont think its hit me properley yet too soon i know its going be a hard journey good to know i can get support on here take care xx