Re living it all again!

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Its almost 6 months since my Andy passed away and I feel I'm re-living it all again at the moment as I'm trying to support my friend who's elderly Dad has just this afternoon been put on the 'just in case' meds.
My friend was with me & Andy right up until the end and even supported me straight after Andy passed away, contacting the funeral directors etc.

I'm just trying to listen to her and not compare my Andy to her Dad's situation (my Andy was 53, her Dad is 86) She is telling me every minute detail, saying how she wishes he would just let go now and slip away.
I'm finding it so hard to listen to her as its emotionally breaking me. When I come off the phone or when i see my phone flash with another message to update me how he is doing. I want to support her and be there for her but gawd this is hard as its so raw and I'm living Andy's last few hours again and again after he had  'just in case' meds administered he slipped away within 45 minutes, that's what she told me she is hoping for her Dad! (I wished I had Andy longer than the 45 minutes but he decided the time to go!) 

I just can't tell her how I'm feeling, It's breaking me and emotionally draining me, I can't sleep as I'm forever checking my pone in case she needs me but I have to try to stay strong for her and be there for her and her elderly Mum as they know I understand what they are going through.

What else can I do, if anything to support them all apart from just be a big pair of ears and shoulders to cry on as they have been for me. My friends Husband can't support her much as he is finding it too upsetting to cope with.

Big love too all of you going through this journey, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy

  • Hello Claireh 

    Just read your post and wanted to write back as you have done to me in the past ! This is hard for you. Very hard, and you are brave too.

    You are already experiencing your own grief and are further down this lonely road than your friend. It is different. Despite wanting to be there for her it is just so difficult and it does bring it all back again. You do understand that your needs are just as important just now and all you can do is just listen but try not to get too sucked in ? I have a friend too who has just lost her husband, at 62, pancreatic cancer, very quickly and she didn't care for hm long as I did with my Barry for several years. Still, I am listening to her and supporting her but find it too draining. We are on a different path. The same one but just further forward. Not any better but just learning to cope without your partner of so many years.

    Take care of yourself too.


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Thank you for your kind words.
    Unfortunatleym since my last post her Dad sadly passed away so I'm now offering a different support when I can xxx

  • Hello again

    Sorry to hear about your friend's loss. I hope you are coping too ?

    Take care 


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Thank you for your kind words. 
    yes, I’m doing ok I think! We going for a nice walk to the pub later, think it will do us both good.

    much love xx