One year on

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Tomorrow 25/03 marks one year since my beloved husband took his last breath. The longest time I’ve been alone in our 48 years together. I’ve been torturing myself over the last few days thinking about what was happening this time last year. I even read through his medical notes and noted the exact time the syringe driver went in , which really was the beginning of the end. I know he was more comfortable and in less pain but it makes my heart hurt thinking that this hastened his death. I feel just as broken and alone as I did at the beginning. People think I’m ‘ over it’ I will never be over it. I miss him so very much. Time hasn’t healed. Even now it doesn’t seem real. I suppose in time I will come to terms with him never coming back but I still feel the need to talk to him and hold his hand. X

  • Hello 

    I am in sympathy with you today with your grief and loss.

    I feel exactly the same. In May will be one year after Barry died. I still haven't accepted it at all. Never will really.

    I just think we never get over the loss, we just have to try and cope with it differently. 

    Keep posting on this, I have found it an absolute godsend.

    A big hug. We are all in the same boat.

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Carpetbagger,

    I hope the day has been what you wished it to be.

    I too am not far off one year. I have been thinking about what I'm going to do on the day for several weeks. I think I'm going to be at home and drive to all the places we enjoyed close by. I intend going to the hospice too to drop off another donation.

    I also recently read the medical notes and simply cried. Some of them were quite graphic and I have since got rid of them. I don't want my stepchildren to ever see them. I have also been reading diaries of recent years. I'm not sure I should have. 

    It's just not something I wish on any of us.

    We continue to help each other one here and I am very grateful for that.

    Take care,
