2 months today

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

So it's 2 months today that I lost my amazing brave husband. 

It's been the hardest 2 months of my life. At first I was taking it day by day but my grief gets worse everyday and now I'm taking it hour by hour. People who were always checking in have started to drift off when I need them more than ever. I know they have their own lives but it hurts. Especially when they promised my husband they would always be there for me.it makes me feel like they lied to a dying man.

Most of the time time I just don't want to carry on, but I know I have to for our 2 girls. I have no motivation to do anything I used to be a cleaning freak now the house is just a mess. I'm a completely different person I just want to cuddle my husband.

The pain gets worse and worse everyday, there isn't a day go by that I don't cry my heart out. People keep telling me I'm strong but they just don't see what I'm going through.

If one more person tells me I'm young and can find another to share my life with I think I will scream. I don't want anyone else!

Sorry for the rant, just feels easier coming on here x

  • I'm so sorry you've found yourself here. It's a place none of us want to be.

    Sadly people make many promises which come to nothing.

    My motivation comes in fits and starts. 

    Take care. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Dru,

    We're all with you. The feelings of others is something that, I feel, we'll never truly understand. They will only ever get it, unfortunately, if they experience what we have.

    I'm a few months further on than you but the tears still flow when I think of my wife.They just flow. I play songs that we both sang along to and they just set me off - every time. When I'm in the car, I feel alone and often still put my hand out to feel hers. When I say goodnight and good morning I say it to her. It's painful but makes me feels a sense of togetherness at the same time. It's strange. I've returned 'home' for a little while and walk by where we first met. I close my eyes every time and sense the hug I gave her that very first night in the hope that I'd meet her again.

    Interestingly, I've gone the other way - everything is tidied up immediately after used. I used to be able to leave things for a while but not anymore. 

    Someone else? We may all face that one day but oh my that's going to be difficult. We just need to focus on ourselves and the immediate family we have for now.

    Stay as strong as you can.

    Take care,.


  • Thank you WDJ 

    This week I've started to give myself little tasks to do, just so I feel like I've accomplished something.

    Sorry you have to be here going through this too, does bring me a little comfort knowing people know how I feel on here.

  • Dru

    I’m totally with you.  Has been 3 months since lost my husband.
    We hardly went out without each other over the 37 years together and worked together for 17 years so used to be being together 24/7.

    Can count on one hand the ones that said they’ll be in touch have actually done so.  It is so hard and some days are so bleak it’s unbelievable with the tears and thoughts.

    I still have the ashes in the house and the cards displayed but I am taking one down a day now as can’t cope with doing it in one go.  

    Can only hope it gets better with time

    Take care