Finding Fiona

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hello everyone

Been off the radar for a little while, but read all the posts and just thinking about so many things. Trying to think of happy times, before Barry became ill. Throat cancer, ulcers on the ankles, and cancer probably spread to the stomach and liver. Completely untreatable. The body just gave up.

I am trying to find me again. Not easy, after 37 years together.  The loss is unbearable sometimes.

Christmas will come, and go. I have had many invitations to share the day, but have refused everything. I keep saying, it is the rest of the week, the next day, the next year ? When I will need some support, but now on my terms. I refuse to be pushed. Clothes, for instance. I have packed away some, will keep some and will give some to the local retirement home. At some point.

No rush.

On another note. I haven't deleted Barry's e mail account. Still get things that I have to deal with re the computer.  I hardly know what to keep or renew as Barry did it all.

Should I just contact everyone and close down the account? Seems too awful to do.

Well. For all our loved ones who have died, I send my best wishes and thoughts at this very sad time.


  • Hello , Can i wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New year, the best you can under the circumstances. It is 7 years since i lost my wife Jean just prior to Christmas so i know what it's like. My advice to you is to do exactly as you wish, whatever makes you comfortable. Don't be pushed and just take each day as it comes. You know, Barry will be wanting you to be happy, he is still with you in your heart and mind and in spirit. Do not feel any guilt if you feel like socialising this Christmas. My thoughts are with you, God Bless. 




  • Hello Terry 

    Whew, got through Christmas day. Feel flat today though? 

    Thank you for your kind words yesterday. They helped. I hope you managed the day too.

    Each day is new. Baby steps I think of, just getting up and carrying on is very brave.


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "