I just need to get these feelings and thoughts out in some way and maybe here is as good a place as any.
My wife, best friend and soul mate of 22 years passed on the morning of Saturday 3rd December at just 46 years old. I am shattered, broken and don’t know how I’ll ever function properly again. The last 4 1/2 months of our lives together have been a complete whirlwind since she first went into hospital on 20th July. She had been suffering terrible migraines for a while and went to the opticians to see if it was something to do with her prescription causing the migraines but after failing tests was referred to an eye specialist at the district hospital. More failed tests there and she was taken to A&E under suspicion that she may be having a stroke, but after CT and MRI scans we were told that there was a “mass” on her brain and we would need to await neurology appointment to confirm. She was kept in a ward in hospital for 5 days on high steroid dosage under supervision before being discharged home to await an appointment. We had been together for 22 years - since I was 19 years old - but we were getting married this year so just 3 days after being discharged - and 8 days after being told this terrible news - we had our wedding day. We got through the day and managed to enjoy it as much as we could and she was happy for those few hours knowing that getting married was what she had wanted for so long. 5 days later and we had our appointment at the neurological specialist in Hull where our world was changed forever. We were given the news that her tumour was aggressive grade 4 glioblastoma. Even at this point Claire was bring her pragmatic and positive self, and just asked “okay what do we do next”. After going through the options with the neurologist she decided she wanted to get straight to the de-bulking surgery so off we went back home - that hour long drive seemed the longest of my life. We had a week at home with her continuing on the steroid medication before our appointment for surgery came through. Off we went back to Hull on 11th August to be admitted to neurology. That night was just awful - Claire slept in a bed whilst I sat on the chair next to her sick with worry for hours. The one saving grace is that they came for her early the next morning to go down for the surgery so at least we didn’t have to wait all day. I kissed her and told her I loved her and as they took her away she was still being her positive self … “let’s just get it done” was her last comment before going! I went back to the car to drive back home and just sat in there crying my eyes out - I don’t even know how I managed to drive home that morning.
The surgery went well – in so much as they managed to remove most of the tumour – however due its location in her brain and the amount of tissue that had to be removed, the surgery caused Claire to have a stroke. She had been paralysed on the right side of her body and couldn’t communicate very well. Seeing her that next day was heartbreaking but was nothing compared to what was to come. The next 11 days were spent in Hull recovering from surgery together with physiotherapy and speech therapy to try and regain some of her movement and communication skills. I travelled backwards and forwards from York each day and that journey just seems to be a blur. On 23rd August – our eldest sons birthday - Claire was discharged from Hull back to York hospital to continue recovery there so she could be closer to home. Over the next few weeks Claire did improve in her movement of the right leg such that she was able to walk with the aid of a quad stick and with support of somebody else by her side, but she never regained any movement in her right arm. Her communication did also improve a bit so we could manage to have some form of conversations, though it was very frustrating for her at times because the words she wanted to say often came out as something completely different. Her steroid medication was also slowly weened down to a lower dosage. On 15th September we had an appointment at a different hospital in Hull with the oncologist to discuss next steps – i.e chemo. Claire was transferred across via ambulance whilst I drove and met her there. Due to the stroke and her weakness as a result however, we were sent away with the advice that she was not yet strong enough to start any chemotherapy treatment and so were told to go back in 2 weeks to see how she had progressed. The oncologist also put her steroid dosage back up to try and get the swelling down in her brain. After another 8 days back in york hospital recovering, Claire was ready to be discharged home and on the 23rdSeptember she was so happy and positive about coming home and we thought being back in her own bed and with family around her would speed up her recovery so we would be able to get cracking on with the chemotherapy and kill off the remaining tumour that was left behind. We had the community nurses coming once a day to help with her care – showering, changing and help doing her physiotherapy exercises – and for the first few days back home, things were really positive. She was happy and her communication continued to improve. However, as the week went on Claire started to deteriorate and became more sleepy and less communicative, and became very irritable with the nurses coming such that I had to ring them on several days to tell them not to come. Her oncology appointment on 29th September - Claire’s 46th birthday - had to be cancelled. By the morning of 1st October she had become so unresponsive and sleepy that I was so worried and called an ambulance to re-admit her to hospital. It was heartbreaking seeing all the progress she had made and now she had to go back in to hospital. Claire had several MRI scans over the following days and this is when our world was destroyed forever – we were told that the tumour had spread to another, deeper part of her brain and it would be inoperable and terminal. I don’t even know how much of this information Claire was able to take in because she could not communicate her thoughts and feelings and this just made it completely unbearable. The worst news you could ever receive and I couldn’t even speak with her about it in any meaningful way. So now we’re told that there’s nothing more medically that can be done and she would be discharged home for palliative care which happened several days later on 7th October.
The period at home with Claire over the proceeding weeks was so painful to witness. We had the hospice at home service coming for the first couple of weeks until a care package was put in place, but as previously happened with the community nurses she didn’t want them coming so it ended up with me doing everything - which I was more than happy to do but was emotionally and physically exhausting. Claire had decided she wanted to give chemotherapy a go despite us knowing it was only palliative and so we had another trip across to Hull on 13th October to see the oncologist again. We had managed to get to a point that we were able to get her down the stairs with lots of effort between us, so she decided she wanted to go across in our own car this time. It was agreed for her to start the treatment in a further 2 weeks (more time to gain strength back) so back again to Hull on 27th October but this time she had to go across in an ambulance as getting down the stairs had become too much for her by that point so we needed the help to get her down (and back up again when coming home). We were expecting to come home with the treatment that day but were told we’d have to go back again to have the consultation about taking the chemo drugs! So yet another trip from York to Hull was needed 8 days later (again having to get an ambulance to transport us across and back again!) for us to be able to get the course of chemo tablets. All this back and forth to Hull in Claire’s ill state was really taking it out of her and it had now been 11 weeks since her surgery. However at least now we could actually start, and on 5th November she had her first dose of treatment. The first 3-4 days on the treatment Claire was just completely wiped out and just slept most of the day other than to eat or go to the toilet but at least there was no sickness. Then strangely from the 4th day onwards she became completely the opposite – very awake all day and wanting me to be with her every minute, wanting to make lists of random words, wanting to take multiple photographs of the most random things (like her food and things that came up on television adverts). I knew this was all because of where the tumour had spread affecting her brain but it was just so hard to witness this behaviour. And so the next three weeks continued on like this and Claire’s condition gradually worsened – communication became more difficult, she became incontinent and caring for her at home became so physically and mentally exhausting. On 23rd November I made the horrible and most difficult decision of my life to refer Claire to go into hospice for care – the Macmillan nurse that was visiting us every other week was shocked that I had managed for as long as I had looking after her on my own and made the referral straight away, and luckily there was a bed available for her and on 25th November she was transported to the hospice in York. I knew in my heart it was likely that Claire would not be coming home again given her condition so this was the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever had to do.
Claire was in the hospice for just 8 days – her condition continued to deteriorate through that time and she was gradually given increasing doses of the “just in case” meds on syringe driver. I said goodbye to her on Friday 2nd December as I left to go home for the evening, telling her I loved her and that I’d see her together with our two boys the next day. But as I called the hospice on the morning of Saturday 3rd December to see how she had been over night I was given the devastating news that she had passed away just minutes before my call. My world completely imploded at that moment. I knew her prognosis wasn’t good and that this awful disease would take her away from me eventually, but for it to happen as quickly as it did just tore me apart. I was hoping we’d have one last Christmas together at the very least. So here I am now writing these words – it has taken me two weeks to be able to get it all out and I don’t know whether I am doing it because the last few months have been such a whirlwind and I feel like I’ve been living in some haze that won’t lift and I am trying to make sense of what has happened, or if I think it will help ease the pain that I am in now my best friend and soulmate has gone! I don’t know what I expect to gain from writing this all out but just felt the need to do it.
Just wanted you to know I have read your whirlwind, I have no words, truly heart breaking.
I am localish to you and had the same journeys with Hull, adding the mix of Sheffield.
I know of the hospice in York and from my experience to it a truly caring place and your wife would have been well cared for.
Take care of yourself and accept any support around you, very early days
I have found this forum to be a great help from people who sadly understand first hand.
Take care, one step at a time.
Thank you for your kind words. I am truly truly heartbroken and just cannot see the point in anything anymore. I’m sure these words have been said a million times before by people unfortunate enough to have been in this position but it doesn’t make it any easier. We were truly soulmates and everything about who I am and what my life has been was wrapped up in our love for each other. I was 19 years old when we got together - my entire adult life - and I just cannot comprehend being without my Claire
I'm so sorry for your loss, your story really resonated with me and actually made me feel less alone and that I'm not the only person going through this unbearable pain, you also feel your the only one going through it and no one understands!
My husband was diagnosed with Lymphoma 15 months ago, straight away we were told that they type of cancer he had was very curable and he would likely only need 6 cycles of chemo he was 40 when diagnosed, fit and healthy and had never been to the doctor's in the 22 years we had been together. After 3 cycles we were told he had a good response when chemo finished we had to wait 6 weeks to see if he was in remission, 3 weeks in he told me he wasn't feeling well and he knew it hadn't gone. They decided to do a PET scan early we were called in 3 days later to tell us that it hadn't gone but wasn't as bad and next steps were 3 cycles of another chemo followed by a stem cell transplant. After 3 cycles another scan showed all again response it is wasn't enough and he was no longer suitable for the stem cell transplant. He would instead have a newish therapy called CAR-T they take your cells send them away and they put a gene into the cells which are then put back in and should attack the cancer.
He was in so much pain after taking the cells they gave steroids and another chemo the day he was due to go in for the cells we did a lateral flow and he had got covid he had been shielding so could have only got it from hospital visits.
This was the Friday on the Monday we had a call from the hospital in London saying that they had, scan results back his cancer was now all in his liver and that CAR-T would not have worked as there was too much we were told no point in having treatment and that he had a few weeks to live. Our world came crashing down around us. We contacted his amazing local hospital team and they told him they could try one more chemo have hope but not too much as all text books say it won't work.
He had one cycle then on the 3rd week had another scan, a couple of days after the scan London called and we told them we wanted to news from our local team face to face not over a call, we were told they were calling as they wanted him in for an appointment the next day and that on the Monday they would be starting CAR-T. We went thr next day they showed us the scan pictures and the cancer had nearly all gone we were told that there was an 80% chance it would work.
We were over the moon finally good news!
The first three weeks went well, I felt like I was getting my husband back we were told one more week they would scan and he could go home. Two days later he called said he didn't feel very well I dropped everything and got on a train he that evening he felt better I came home and a few hours later I got a call today he had been moved into intensive care. He had sepsis after a week he was discharged then a few days later he had a scan the important one that would tell us if it had been successful. We had high hopes as he was getting stronger again.
The next day we were given the news that it hadn't worked nothing else could be done and we were looking at days maybe a week. Within 48 hours he was transferred to our local hospice. We spent time having fun with our girls, he was really well due to being on such a high dose of steroids.
2 weeks later it was our 17th wedding anniversary he planned for a meal to be delivered by the staff and we had a lovely day. The next day he was very sleepy and after tea he told me he felt comfortable and that he got to the anniversary and that's what he wanted and that he didn't think it would be long.
We spoke all night, mid morning the next day he couldn't speak he was in pain which was sorted quickly, that afternoon he died in my arms. Like your wife he was my soulmate he died 2 days after our anniversary on the day we had been together 22 years. When we got together I was 17 he was 19.
He is my one and only love our children are 8&11 and I have tried my hardest over the Christmas period to make it nice for them but I've struggled I've pretty much cried non stop if it wasn't for the girls I would have stayed in bed with the curtains shut.
I can't give you any words of hope like others may be able to but it's literally 6 weeks today that he passed and I don't really have any hope, I'm taking one day at a time like I have for the last 15 months. I really thought he would be here still, this illness is so cruel I feel empty and numb and most days I find it hard jus putting one foot in front of the other.
Here of you ever want to talk!
im so sorry for what you had to go through. Life is just so very cruel.
I am a few weeks behind you in my grief journey and I have no doubt that I will never get over Claire’s loss. Her funeral is going to be on 9th January and I just know that after that is over, the loneliness and the fact she is never coming back is going to hit me like a tonne of bricks
No point in lying to you, it will hit you and your children. How are they doing? I'm on a waiting list for bereavement counselling through the hospice. Have you thought about doing that?
How are your children doing? Mine are very up and down and have gone into protective mode over me.
My boys are 14 and 19 so a bit older than yours and they have coped very well up to this point. I did take them to see their mum on the day she passed as I thought it important they were able to say goodbye at that point - we are not having an open casket at the funeral. But we were offered counselling through the hospice too yes … though not taken them up on it yet. It’s all about distraction for my boys and they have just gone back to playing their computer games with friends which has distracted them from things - I’m sure it will hit them down the line though. I had a video appointment with clinical psychologist through nhs just a few days before Claire passed (was referred by our macmillan contact) and was due to have another on 14th but I couldn’t face up to that one as I was too distraught. But I’ve had a letter through about making another appointment with them so I’m sure I will need to do that
Don't be afraid to be upset in front of them, I get upset often in front of my girls and I felt guilty as they have been comforting me but after speaking to my support worker at the hospice she told me not to hide my tears as the girls need to know it's ok to be upset.
I know I need counselling as it's been such a rollercoaster 15 months and I have completely changed as a person. But I struggle to speak to people close to me about my grief.
You will know when you are ready to speak to someone. I don't know if its different where you live but through my hospice the counselling is offered 6 weeks of passing. I do have a support worker I can talk to though who checks in every week and she knew my husband too and has told me things he said about me that I didn't know so that has brought me some comfort.
Just take one day at a time, that's all any of us can do.
I’m not looking forward to this evening at all. It’s now 4 weeks today that my Claire passed and although we were never really big on celebrating new years, it was always a time that we just spent together - usually just watching the telly or in bed. The new year coming in will just be another reminder that she is gone and we will never see another one together again. This just hurts so much
Same, it's my birthday today and my hubby had left presents, card and a letter and I've just pretty much sobbed my heart out all day.
Like you we have never been big on new year since having kids we'd go to bed and watch the fireworks last year saying 22 will be our year.
Not knowing it would be the absolute worst year of my life. Also I don't know about you but I don't want to say that my husband died last year! I know I'll still be count in weeks.
Do you feel like your grief is getting worse everyday, I do! No one understands what I'm going through as they haven't lost their partner.
Have you got much support?
I don’t think anyone could ever understand just how painful and debilitating losing your soulmate is unless they have been through the same. People obviously mean well when they offer their help etc but none of it really gives any comfort. My grief just keeps coming in huge waves - if I’m distracting myself with something I can hold myself together, but as soon as a memory or thought enters my mind about my Claire I just lose it.
I just miss her so so much it’s just unbearable
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