Can I be chased for his outstanding debts solely in his name?

  • 11 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I've closed everything down to do with Matt after I got his death certificate.  Today I got a letter from santander saying they won't close his credit card down as there's a balance on it I need to pay. Its only £60 , but I don't have that as his wages this month were frozen and I've had no bereavement payments through yet and I don't get paid till next week. I'm just trying to find my feet financially but I just wondered if anyone has found themselves in the same situation ? 

  • Hi groovychick1607, I feel your pain, I’ve just had a bill for a loan in my late husband’s name they want I claim from his estate! I’ve no idea what to include in his estate as he didn’t have any assets other than half our house but not sure if that would be included as the Will states all to me!
    I’m going to chat to macmillan online in the morning and contact citizens advice as I certainly can’t afford a solicitor and not even had the bill for the funeral yet as it was only a week ago!

    Maybe seek free advice too, don’t pay as far as I’m aware debts can’t transfer but they can claim on the estate - if anything available that is!

    Maybe others may advise different- 


  • Thank-you for your help so far. Same is as with me, everything has been left to me. I suppose if they wanted to wait, they could get it out his bank funds once they've been released but yes, I think I'm going with citizens advice too. His brother told me not to pay but I don't want to end up with black marks against my name etc xx

  • Don’t pay anything until you have all the funds, also If you need to pay funeral costs that comes first. 
    as far as I know it won’t mark against you if it was solely n his name. Definitely take advice first before you do anything.

    I’m sure lots of vultures will come out of the woods but I’m standing my ground until I have more information.

    it’s hard enough dealing with the loss of our loved ones. Xx

  • I'm doing exactly that, waiting. They're not my priority at the end of the day. I've already paid the funeral but now I've got to get on my feet with the bills, and nothing else for now xx

  • Good for you! 
    jusr in case you need help further I chatted with macmillan online this morning- great advice, peace of mind along with some useful contact number.

    take care lovely, good luck - we all still here to help each other x

  • I think this is very heartless of Santander.  I would try again with them, if you have the strength.  They should have a bereavement department (most banks do) so it might be worth seeing if you can speak to them.  Nic left one debt, his mobile phone contract, and that was cancelled in seconds after I spoke to them so there is hope.

    I hope you get it resolved.

    Best wishes.


  • Morning

    I did speak with someone from the bereavement team who, at the time , asked if there were any funds available. I said no as everything had been frozen and I only had what little money was mine. Then the letter followed . I'm not worrying about it. It's a small thing but like you said,  it's heartless xx

  • Hi. I would suggest speaking to one of the financial advisors on this site. I’m sure they’ll be a lento give you some answers 

  • Hi Groovychick1607

    Sorry for late reply... Don't pay or offer to pay any debts outstanding in your husband's name. You are not responsible for the debts and you personally cannot be held responsible. 

    I was in the same situation for a bank loan solely in my husband's name which the bank tried to make me pay. I refused and they then decided to try to scare me by selling the debt to a debt collector to chase me on their behalf. I spoke politely to them at all times but still refused to accept responsibility for paying the money. There were no assets in his estate and the house became 100% mine after his death. I made a point of telling the bank and the debt collector that if any money materialised from his estate in the future, I needed reimbursing for the cost of his funeral even though the bill had already been paid.

    The same bank who were chasing me for the loan later had to pay me a sum towards funeral costs from money that was paid into his account from outstanding wages/holiday pay from his employer which went into my husband's account after he had died. 

    If your husband had any insurance or pension ... that money is payable to You and does not form part of his estate.

    Stay strong, take advice from, Macmillan, Citizens Advice or similar. Companies will try to harass you when they know you are most vulnerable but stand your ground as you personally are not responsible for the debts.

    Pooka x

  • Thank you for sharing your experience Pooka, I’m in the same situation as yourself. My late husband had a loan in his name and they wish to claim from his estate, of which he has no assets as yet not even paid for the funeral.

    I spoke to a company Macmillan recommended but they advised the loan company can put a charge on the property (even though it’s now 100% mine) or they can put in an insolvent claim - I certainly don’t want my late husband to have that against him as he was so careful with money.

    im waiting until all his financials are settled then I will go back to the loan company and tell them there are no funds available and have to take it from there!

    we have enough to deal with following the loss of our loved ones, it’s criminal that they feel they can harass us when we are at the most vulnerable.

     Thank you again for sharing your experience.

    im so thankful for this support group even though it’s not want I ever wanted to join x