Loss of my partner

  • 53 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I’m new to the group so not really sure what I’m doing but wanted to leave this here.

My partner passed away 4 weeks ago and I am really struggling with it all. I know it hasn’t been long but what I am feeling is so intense I can’t actually pinpoint what feeling is affecting me more.

I feel completely lost, I don’t even know the person I am today and feel like I am living someone else’s life.

I am trying to be as normal as possible for our young kids but it is so hard, I’m drained from being”ok” on the surface and if it wasn’t for them I probably wouldn’t get out of bed.

I just don’t know what to do about it. Do I just ride it out and hope for the best? Is all this a normal process of grieving? I just don’t know.

I can’t concentrate on anything, I’m so forgetful, have such a short fuse so no patience at all and no desire to do anything for myself.

I am just miserable and still can’t quite believe my partner is gone, I feel like I have forgotten to do something all the time like something just isn’t right.

someone please tell me this is completely normal as I feel like I am losing my mind!

  • Hi Kieth,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I totally get what you say about waiting for mercy. I got to that point with my partner, even though losing him was the worst thing I could imagine I didn’t want him to suffer any longer. 
    I suppose he was lucky in the sense he was only “bad” for the last month or so before he passed away.

    If I have any advice for you it’s don’t ever think another persons grief journey will be your own, we all grieve differently and of someone had told me what grieving the loss of a partner would feel like I never would of believed them until now.

    Even though we know what’s to come we can never quite prepare ourselves even if we think we have made peace with the fact we are going to lose that one person who makes us hole.

    Even though I am nearly 5 weeks into my journey I still wake up everyday feeling like it’s the day after my partner passed away. 
    The last 5 weeks feel like a blur that I have skipped over and my grief still feels just as bad if not worse. 
    Everyday is a struggle and I literally only do what my kids need me to do.

    i don’t know when I’m suppose to feel like me again or if I ever will and that’s what scares me. 
    I no longer recognise the person I am today.

    keep talking, don’t give up, you are stronger than you realise 


  • Reading about where you are, it's brought it back to me. Others couldn't understand why I'd spend every hour I could sitting in the hospice. I'd be there to all hours wondering why no-one else seemed to be doing it for the other patients. It was an honour to sit with my wife during her last weeks. She still went when I wasn't there though! I guess that's what she wanted.

  • I was at the hospice 24 hours a day until the end. They even brought a bed in for me. 
    I wouldn’t have had it any other way

  • I stayed here for two weeks solid until I was told to go home, now its a few nights a week, sixth week now but she is getting much closer, I'm wishing it now, makes you feel terribly guilty, but she said she wants to die! Impossible to fully prepare.

  • It does make you feel guilty, having so many conflicting emotions is torture!! 
    It’s something I really struggle with but my partner also got to the stage where he wanted to die, just so all the suffering would end.

  • Hi Sarah

    My wife Dawn died today at 2am, I was holding her hand and stroking her hair. A serious release for her but clearly still devastating for me. Now Im a massive tea drinker. Massive hole for me now because I cared for her full time.

  • Hi Sarah I am now nearly 2 years on from loosing my wife of 30 years. It’s difficult I know but try and self motivate . And think all the good things. And be open about talking that’s roughly how I done things. It’s hard and I feel for you 

  • Hi,

    I am so sorry for your loss. It’s very bittersweet isn’t it? We don’t want to lose them but we don’t want them to suffer! 
    You must be feeling all sorts of emotions right now and I completely understand all of them.

    just know, you are not alone…. 
    your grief is your grief to deal with however you see fit for however long.

    im here if you need to talk


  • Thank you for your response. Just a thought have you thought of talking to a doctor. How about 10mg of citalopram for short term. I used it for just a week and stopped, did help me at times and may use it again.