Loss of my wife

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  • 27 subscribers

My step daughter texted me the other day  to let me know that my wife's ashers are guna be buried on the 30th September I'm not looking forward to even though I will have her and her brother  with mCry,itsguna be a sad day has anyone been through this Cry 

    1. Hi Andrew we are all different but I had the same apprehension aswell we put some of Lynne's sshes in family plot and recently scattered some with her mums on both occasions it was better than I would have imagined being with family and friends who loved Lynne and having a meal after talking about her although I had some bad moments it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be so all the best hope you get through it ok  terry
  • Hello Andrew,

    I worried about this too before my Lin's ashes were interred but I handled it much better than I thought and, like Terry, we went somewhere after and reminisced about LIn over drinks in the local pub. I was far, far less emotional than at her funeral. So hopefully it will not be too hard for you on the day.

    I have had more emotional moments since then on certain anniversaries etc.

    Best wishes,


  • I was thinking about that ,about going to a pub for a drink and raise a glass or two in memory of Jean with the family  thanks so muchThumbsup