Living alone in France

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hello out there. I am new on this forum. I have read all your posts and now I am crying again! I am not alone but feel it.

My partner of nearly 40years died just three months ago and I am struggling. We have lived in France(Dordogne) for 22 years, coming over from Glasgow and a new chapter began. One not to be regretted either, until illness struck. Barry got throat Cancer 4 years ago and resolutely battled with that and then further complications with blocked arteries in the legs made him housebound and in a wheelchair. I was the carer for quite a time and it was hard. For both of us. I am feeling so lost. I do have friends and a network here, but still. My little cat is the one cheery thing that keeps me going. Each day is an effort and no one really knows what it is like. Unless you have been through it. People don't know what to say or do. Also there is a strong cultural difference too I think. I have no family ie children/grandchildren and Barry's family are in the UK. No one came to the funeral except friends here. 

I hope to be of help to others on this and feel a bit reassured already that others know exactly how I am feeling. Whew!!!! Onwards.. Fifinet.

  • Hello Fifinet

    So sorry for your loss, it is a very difficult time for you and I can’t imagine what it is like being in another country and away from family at this time.  I lost my husband of 41 years almost 11 months ago (it doesn’t seem that long at all) and I don’t think I could have coped without my son and daughter who both live fairly close by.  I think we can all relate to that feeling of being lost, because that word describes the loss of our loved one so well.

    My Mal battled his cancer for two years but previous to that he suffered with a debilitating liver condition and had been in poor health for many years, despite all of this we managed to live a fairly full life up until the last year where unfortunately everything pretty much caught up with him.  This last 11 months have been a roller coaster of emotions; sometimes I feel I am coping really well and then without warning I crumble into a sobbing wreck and hardly know which way is up …. generally though I think I am doing quite well.

    All I can say really is that it does all become a little easier, I don’t think that feeling of loss will ever go away but gradually the good days outnumber the bad ones.  I’m glad you have your little cat to keep you company, I’ve been considering getting one myself as I’ve always been a ‘cat person’.

    Take care
    J x
  • Hello Fifnet

    I am part of Cancer Support France, who have associations all over France and support English speaking people and maybe you may consider contacting us as we offer one to one emotional support in total confidence. We have an association in the Dordogne. Our contact phone is 0800 240 200 or email 
    Kind regards


  • Hello 

    Just re reading your kind message and I wondered how you were doing today? I hope not too bad.

    I feel very tired today, couldn't get myself up this morning and feel very lethargic. I have decided that's okay! It's okay not to be okay. Don't feel guilty about it either, we are all coping in our own way, with such a range of emotions, it is hardly surprising.

    Well, just wanted to say hello and take care of yourself.

    Hugs Fifinet

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Dear Fifinet,

    Thank you, I’ve  had a good few days although I slept very badly last night waking several times, but this has become less of the norm recently.  I miss my husband so much and my little house seems vast and empty without him, which is depressing.  I know that I am not alone in these feelings and take comfort from others on here by simply knowing that this is pretty much how it is for everyone.  I hope you are doing well and receiving comfort and support from friends (and also your little pet cat).

    Take care
    J x