What do you do when you can’t stop crying

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I went to the cinema with my son on the 16th and spent several hours on my PC fave tagging photos, but as soon as The distraction ends, I just go into melt down, can’t stop crying, my heart aches so much, may try just going to bed, maybe I’ll sleep Pray

it’s been a year since my Linda passed, and a couple of months ago, I really believed I was making progress, but that’s all fallen apart. I know grief, doesn’t respect any time tables, but my Eldest Son has moved to Scotland, been planning for some time, so maybe that’s what has set me back. Am just waiting to hear back about bereavement counselling, I declined it when offered previously as I felt I was managing, plus couldn’t see how it could help me. Now I just want to be in a better place.

I am so sorry, I know there’s no easy solutions, just find it such a struggle to keep going and hold on.

thanks for listening Cold sweat

  • Hi ArthurD

    I just wanted you to know that we are listening,   and I hope that past couple of days have been a little bit easier for you. 

    Anniversary's of the loss of any loved one are often difficult times, it is normal and as you say grief does not respect any time tables.

    Thinking of you 


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    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!
  • Thanks, trying to keep myself busy, at the moment mainly my PC project of sorting, dating and face tagging thousands of photos…..but soon as I take a break, it all floods back. Don t think there is Cold sweat answer, there’s only one thing I need and that’s impossible, I wonder why we are so I’ll prepared for losing a spouse, must happen countless times every day, the price we pay for love, the stronger the love, the more we pay Cold sweat

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • For my Linda

    You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

    You are my reason, You are all of my reasons

    Rest in Peace darling until we meet again, I love and miss you more than you could ever know Cold sweat

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • To Linda

    I miss you every morning, I miss you through the night, I miss you when you’re worried, I miss holding you tight

    I miss making you cups of tea, your favourite drink of all time.

    I miss reminiscing about our weddings, when you said ‘Twice’ you’ll be mine.

    I miss listening to your travel directions, the sat nav had no chance.

    I miss reminiscing about our first meeting, our very first dance.

    I miss our conversations, there was nothing we didn’t talk about.

    I miss all our special moments, about, that there is no doubt.

    I miss you when you called me to see if I was alright

    I miss saying good morning, I miss saying good night

    I miss you every minute of every single day

    I miss you my Linda, I love you more than words could ever say

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Had the initial interview for counselling, just waiting for a date for the first session. Really not sure it’s going to help, only get max 10 sessions. May try the MacMillan offer of counselling with BUPA, after the other has finished, see how it goes. The evenings are the worse, when my son is around I’m ok, I manage, but other evenings I just want to sit and cry, I miss my Linda so so much, it’s unbearable. Everything single thing I do reminds me of her, so ,Amy times I do something and almost go to tell her, I never knew how terrible life could be from losing a partner, I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I’ve never felt so desperate to feel normal again, never felt so alone and lonely, never felt like the world has abandoned me, never felt like life has nothing to offer me.

    Sorry Cold sweat 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi arthurd  I have that same feeling of loneliness and abandonment just sat here trying to think of some mundane job to do to make myself feel useful and to achieve something although I cant seem to get up for anything, waiting for the post to arrive is as exciting as it gets ,I retired early to look after Lynne but also to have new ankles and shoulder so being in a physical job I wouldn't be able to do that now but as you know it is really difficult to show any interest in anything I tried counselling but unfortunately it's not for me and didn't help ,though I'm sure some people find it beneficial, I found a fellas on you tube called Jack  church seems a really nice bloke does grief videos called travelling with Jack and pam he gets it because he lost his wife so might be worth a watch anyway all the best  best wishes terry 

  • Thank you Heart

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories