Holiday thread

  • 3 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi, so sorry this has disappeared.  I inadvertently clicked on a report to moderator link so I couldn't send my reply.  It was completely accidental so hopefully will reappear soon.  Blooming useless at tech, sorry again.

  • Believe me we all have these problems, I consider myself tech savvy, but everything is getting more complicated, so easy to trip up.

    keep safe

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Ooooppppss!! I've done this  few times too!! I suggested they make more space in this area, particularly on mobiles, it's so easy to catch! Even if a pop-up question asked 'are you sure?' Then a yes or no could be pressed Thinking 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Amazon is one of the worst, it’s so hard to place an order without accidentally signing up to prime……I recently saw an offer it said Zero ££s, but it was referring to the postage if I joined, not the joining fee, they are very good at refunding though……sometimes with websites it’s a Heavy check mark️ if you DO want their news letter or Heavy check mark️ if you DONT  want it , have to pay attention. They always ask for a phone number, I don’t see why a general enquiry should need that, I always use a fake one, and I have an email created just for enquiries, so worst case I stop using it and make another……I keep my personal email address just for people I know

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories