Looking Back Here Years Ago

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  • 27 subscribers

I decided to have a look back at the first posts on the website.

Exactly what I suspected in that the comments echo what we are saying/writing now.

What a club this is - and my how I fear, sadly, it is only to get bigger 

What gets to me is that many, including my wife, did nothing but seem to live a healthy life looking after themselves. How can this be the price they pay?

Many of us too live our life for the 'utopian' retirement, which never comes to fruition.

I'm lost for words at the moment. We've come so far with this nasty disease, by way of research and treatment, but yet it seems not as far as we ought to have had.


  • I agree. All the time they are telling us that great progress is being made so why are we still losing so many. We were basically told that there aren’t even any trials ongoing for treatments for Prostate Cancer (which took my hubby). 
    It’s the loss of the  awaited “golden years “ that hurts so much. We always worked and were so looking forward to the time when we could retire (which was probably another good 15 years away for us ) 

    Does this grief get any easier ? 

    Jillian x 

  • I agree, this terrible disease takes far too many of our loved ones, I wonder if we halted space research and weapon development and put that money and resources into cancer research, if we could eliminate the cause(s) and find a cure.

    I hope and pray, that one day a cancer cure will be found. My Linda rarely drank, never smoked, lived a very healthy life. So I question what is it that triggers cancer, some say, it’s always been with us, but was not always recognised or reported as such, which is why it appears to be a ‘new’  disease. But I am not sure, I am of the opinion that it’s triggered by a number of things, as a result of our new lifestyles, such as pollution, from aircraft and motor vehicles, these are increasing at an alarming rate. Particularly aircraft, we have no idea of how much pollutants descend on us. There’s also our food and drink, with ever increasing amounts of colours flavourings preservatives etc. so hard to avoid totally. Then there’s all the radiation from mobile masts, power pylons, Wi-Fi etc. we get told it’s all harmless, but asbestos was considered safe at one time.

    then we’ll soon have to contend with GM foods, IMO we are playing with fire, IMO we shouldn’t be tinkering with nature in this way, get it wrong and the potential results could be catastrophic for our planet. There is a new variegation of Genetic entering called Genetic Editing, where no external DNA is used, The GOV are planning to fast track this, with fewer restrictions. It just scares the hell out of me, if I am right, we may be designing food which could make cancer rates increase.

    So I wonder if these are the causes, which are unavoidable, it just seems like a terrible lottery, who will be the next victim Cold sweat

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I have also read posts that are years old and have seen how 1 persons story, mine included, have have moved through the days, into weeks into months and then years. 2 years and nearly 3 months since Colin died I still read the forum everyday and realise that the newly bereaved have the same emotions etc I had then. I don't write as much as I used to but feel sad for so many knowing exactly what they're going through and what might be coming next for them. 

    I still find days and nights hard, on my days off I hate getting up alone  and when I'm not at work the next day I hate going to bed on my own so end up falling asleep on the recliner then going up  at 2am or later (or is that earlier Smirk) then being cross at myself for not going to bed sooner! 

    WDJ you will find yourself at the 2+ year mark where I am and see yourself acknowledging 'new' members knowing we can get through this 1 day at a time leading to a week etc. Jillybean74, you also will see the sands ebbing and flowing and all too familiar posts recurring again. 

    Those who were on the journey the same ish timescale as me will probably agree that we never thought we'd get through but here we are....

    Lotsahugs to new and old 'Bereavers'  a word I believe invented by @mccmcc in 2020 HuggingHuggingHugging

    Tomorrow is another day