Loss of a loved one

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Good morning to you all. Just a few words which i hope and pray may bring a little comfort to all who need it. It is 7 years today since my wife Jean was diagnosed with a tumor on her spine. After an operation to remove as much as they could she was left paralyzed from the waist down. Two weeks later she was told it had started in her liver and spread throughout her body. I lost Jean about 6 months later on 7th November after 52 years marriage.  I joined the Macmillan Group and became an Online Champion with this group. I left after 2 years needing to move forward. I have met Valerie whose husband i worked with for 32 years but i had never met Valerie before, he passed away 6 months after Jean. Valerie and i have supported each other since then and she has introduced me to the Spiritualist Religion. I have trained and qualified as a Spiritual Healing Medium. Spiritual not Medical. Now i have no intention of preaching any religion to you but i would like to say that our loved ones may leave us physically, but they remain with us in our hearts and minds, their Soul lives on inside and around us, so Spiritually they never leave us, we are never alone. My new religion has provided me with evidence of that. Our loss is great, we need support to get through the hard days and this Group gives that support from those in a similar situation. I have had that support from this group, from Valerie and from Spiritualism. We never forget our loved ones, we learn to live with our loss. As time passes things will feel better but use this group, use Religion, use anything that may help but be active, don't give up, be happy as our loved ones want us to be and remember the happy times spent with our loved ones. God Bless.  Terry 

  • Hello Terry

    thank you for those words, although we can never be healed, the healing process may help comfort us and give us inner strength.

    I and many others on here, take great comfort from our special memories and love shared. Our partners do live on within us.

    the kind supportive words expressed on this forum, do help.

    Wishing you the very best 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hello ArthurD, Thank you for your response to my message. I have read your profile and you have my sympathy for the loss of your loved one Linda a year ago.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and may you be given comfort from them. Linda is with you in spirit and you need to be brave and strong, Linda will not wish you to be sad and unhappy the same as you wouldn't want her to be if it had been you departed. We will meet our loved one's again.  God Bless.  Terry.  



  • This is slightly off topic, and in the wrong group, but my Son from my 2nd Marriage, is 21 in August, he was 3 or 4 when he first met Linda, they immediately struck a great relationship together, Linda treated him like a Son, and he saw her as a 2nd Mum. He was devastated when Linda passed, he knew she was in a very bad way, but I drove round round to tell him, on the morning that she passed, initially he wasn’t sure what to do, but after a while, he sat next to her bed with me, and said his goodbye to her. Sometimes when he visits, we talk about various things in Linda’s life, it feels comforting, as he has a great way of seeing things.

    yesterday I spoke about my grief and how it wasn’t easing, he told me that the pain will never go away, and that I will always feel this way, but in time I will find it easier to manage my new life. I think he could be right. He has helped me a lot recently by visiting every 3 days. He also helped me through my depression in 2003, when he was only 2 years old, we spent all day watching TV playing games with soft stuff, sword fights, water guns etc.really kept me sane, even though I cried buckets every time I took him home.

    thank you

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories