PALS & Hospital Complaints

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  • 27 subscribers

Final update and full report on my lengthy list of complaints with evidence to the hospital that treated my husband...

After 18 months of written complaints and statements a face to face meeting with 12 personnel including the senior doctors, oncologists, professor and hospital management was arranged.  The meeting was scheduled for an hour but lasted 3 hours!  

As a result of my complaints the hospital have listened and each one of the doctors concerned have mow genuinely APOLOGISED to my husband and myself both at the meeting and in writing.

The hospital have now implemented numerous changes. Hopefully future  cancer patients should have a better experience as a direct result. Even down to the fact that if the need arises that a cancer patient or anyone suffering from an immuno- suppressed illness needs to attend A&E a small quiet waiting room away from the main room full of possibly ill people can be requested.

There is a long list of changes: additional staff recruited, cancer support nurses to be given pagers or mobiles to make them more immediately accessible to their assigned patients, more honesty regarding treatment and diagnosis should the patient request the information and new software to allow telephone appointments to include sending instant photos, reports etc so the oncologist can make better decisions based on facts. Some individual staff have been reprimanded for their appalling treatment towards my husband.

None of this will bring my husband back but I have carried out his wishes to bring certain matters to their attention. I know that he would be happy to know that his concerns via me have resulted in a big shake up within the hospital.

My complaints have never been to try to sue anyone financially, the NHS need every £ it has. This journey has only ever been about getting them to recognise and admit their failings towards my husband and the poor treatment that he received and more importantly to get him the Apology that he deserved. 

  • So glad that you have, at last, got a resolution and that you’ve fulfilled your husband’s wishes. Well done for persisting, it can’t have been easy but hopefully you feel that it’s been worth it. It sounds as if things will be better for those who will be treated there in the future. 

    Best wishes



  • Well done to you. I am so pleased for you, your husband and for everyone following. I was too weak to continue and became disillusioned.

    I did however recently complain about the food at the Nuffield for post op patients. I was really hungry and thirsty. I could count the number of cups of tea I had over two days on one hand! Only offered a light diet as some people feel sick!!! 

    I complained in writing and I have successfully managed to get that policy changed and got an apology. It was very difficult and I made myself unpopular as I work there,!!! 

    Unfortunately some other aspects of the care was not brill but I had to be a bit careful as I need my job.

    Well done again. Really proud of you 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Thank you Alison,

    I totally understand your reluctance to complain,  you need to protect your job. But well done, you managed to directly get one thing changed as a result of your recent experience as a patient.... sounds a bit like cost cutting exercise under the guise of 'light diet'  !!!

    If we all make our voices heard the hospitals will realise they need to learn that patients have a right to be treated properly from a medical and personal aspect. Doctors, nurses and hospital management do a brilliant job but they are still there as paid employees, but the patient is of paramount importance who should be treated with respect at all times.


  • Ho Pooka,

    Thank you for your post, I am hoping this will inspire me to move ahead with my wife Sharon’s case of her treatment. We blame a particular NHS consultant who saw Sharon in July 2020 (I was not allowed in due to covid). The appt was to evaluate an extremely unpleasant and deeply sore old keyhole wound, which by now had developed a growth of 1-3cm and still growing ! The consultant told he this was scar tissue and an operation would not be suitable as it could make problem worse, and referred Sharon to pain clinic. Sharon left the meeting heartbroken as she knew the pain was so great more was needed. Cut a long story short  we paid private to see general surgeon who continued to monitor the growth via scans. In March 2021 Sharon could not sleep because the growth was pressing on other organs, her words to me were “something needs doing because this is slowly killing me”. Eventually the surgeon operated on April 14th 2021, he admitted he was shocked as the growth was as large as a fist, connected to her liver and rib and took 3.5 hours to remove !!

    The rest is simple histology showed cancer and despite private oncology treatment chemo and radiotherapy my one and only ever true love, whom I had met almost 6 years previously passed away in my arms on 17/10/21. She was just 66 and was always fit and healthy.

    we are haunted by the lack of care, understanding and action by the consultant in July 2020, had he suggested a biopsy or a pet scan if only to discount options, my Sharon would almost certainly be with me know. Now I am haunted by the thoughts of “what if” I had insisted on a biopsy and pet scan to be done privately, etc…

  • Hi,

    Sorry to hear your concerns regarding the treatment your wife received.

    My advice is to be sure from the outset what your goals are.. If it's the suing route then I would suggest seeing a solicitor. If it's more of an apology to your wife and an acknowledgement of their failings then start by listing all your concerns in writing. You may find it helpful to set it out in chronological order including dates, names, evidence etc and send it to PALS at the hospital.

    Keep to facts, be clear and concise in your statement.

    It is a lengthy process but I found the more they realised I was staying polite but PERSISTENT the more I started to get listened to. In the end the senior doctors  thanked me for my input in helping them to see things from a patient/relatives point of view. 

     I found it at times frustrating but it was definitely cathartic.

    Good luck with the process.