Comforting Words

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When my wife was ill with cancer I was in the Group for Oesphageal Cancer, when my wife died in August someone on the group  (Lowe) sent me the following. I am finding it tough but I often re read this message of support, and I do find it comforting and I would like to share :

"Please allow yourself to be desperately sad, take a moment everyday to allow the deep grief that at times you have to hide or disguise to just be.. Your heart is broken, and it will never fix the same, but it beats strong for you, and I am sure that Lorraine would want you to find a way through the sadness..  Time allows us to become the new version of us, the previous version of you was lost when Lorraine passed, you must learn to grow, to become the new you and also learn how to carry Lorraine safely with you, so that she is always there, but also so that your new life can be a full and happy one. It is a long journey you are on Steve, I hope you find your inner strength through the coming months"

I hope in some small way it helps.
