First birthday without Dave for 26 years

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Finding today a hard day to get through. We always did something nice on my birthday , sometimes a few days away, sometimes just a nice meal out but always something together. And he always bought me flowers. Today there are no flowers. 
The cards and presents are unopened as it doesn’t seem right doing it on my own. 
I volunteered to work because I couldn’t bear  being at home all day but it hasn’t  stopped the pain of missing him. It’s almost six months since I lost him and it’s getting harder not. easier. 
Going out for a family dinner later but all I really want to do is get under the duvet until today is over. 
And just to add to it all I feel like I’m being precious because it’s MY birthday not. Daves.
I guess it’s just another first that I have to get through. 

  • Hi, these firsts really take their toll, I really feel for you and understand how you feel, but I can only sympathise. 

    It would have been Marts birthday on the 28th March and I struggled all day, finished up having an argument with my daughter because she didn’t seem to get how upset I was. It’s nearly six months for me too, although I try so hard to distract myself, I seem to be running out of steam, it doesn’t really change how I feel but I’ll get up tomorrow, sort out my shopping delivery and do something to pass another day without him.

    I’m sending much love and the biggest hug I can….this will pass xxx

  • Jillybean74

    i had my first birthday without Craig at the end of March & it was also Mother’s Day just to make matters worse. Your post was exactly how I felt, Craig also booked a table at out favourite restaurant or took me away on holiday none of that this year. No card to open from him that was always signed lots of love & hugs. He wasn’t their to nip downstairs the minute I opened my eyes make me a cuppa & come back up with a brew each plus my cards & pressies - it broke me that morning! My mum & sister made a few attempts to get me to go out for food/ afternoon tea but in the end I had to tell them to back off. After a couple of hours of wallowing in self pity I decided to get out and play golf it was all I could cope with on the day.

    sending a hug to you for today xx

  • I totally understand what you are saying, it is getting harder for me too. It was our 48th wedding anniversary on the 6th April, first time we have not been together on an anniversary. I did not realise just how many firsts there are, but l know your pain and l feel your pain, bless you xoxoxo