A day of tears.

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  • 27 subscribers

I don’t know why but I keep crying today. I know it’s only been 14 weeks but I haven’t cried as much as this for a while.

I try to fill my time getting out and about, looking around shops for things I don’t need, tidying the garden, or just sitting drinking coffee watching the world go by. Usually, a walk by the sea usually lifts my spirits but not today, all I can think about is how much I miss Mart. After the 48 years we were together, it’s really hard to live without him.  I guess this is grief, trying to get through the days as best you can. 

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll feel better or at least, more in control. 

Take care people… much love x

  • hi, as one of my friends said to me recently, the tears are just below the surface and anything can trigger.  I have days like you as well.  I can go for a couple of days not breaking down and then the tears hit me like a brick wall. 

    Im feeling very lonely today, I went back to work after retiring and as I am working from home I’m in the house 3 days a week without seeing anybody.  Normally i would go out even if it’s just for a trip to the shops.  Although i’m enjoying the work it does feel lonely.  One good thing it does take my mind of the last 9 months, Rob died 5 months ago so it’s still very raw.

    I miss Rob so much, last few years we were together 24/7 as we were both working from home.  I am so glad we spent that time together, if only we had known it wouldn’t last. 

    Take care and tomorrow is another day.


  • Tears can be so hard on us.  All I can say is you aren't alone. Take care.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Well I woke up at 4:30, couldn’t get back to sleep but I’m usually an early riser, as our daughter, has horses, so she goes to see to them, whilst I’m with my 5 year old granddaughter. After she got divorced, they moved in with us, it was before cancer diagnosis. 

    I think life has just worn me down, 2 years of going through court for her divorce, then Mart’s diagnosis and all the struggle in trying to access the best treatment, which never worked, relocating to South Devon, where I know no one. I have no interest in this house, just too much for me right now, and even that annoys me, I’m usually so strong and organised. I’m too old to get work at 70, but have put my name down to volunteer at Cab, I used to teach IT, so hopefully they’ll find a use for me. I’m trying. 

    Everyone on here knows the pain of experiencing the loss of someone you love but thank you for sharing, strangely it does help, to know others are feeling the same, how warped is that.

    Linda xxx

  • Thanks for caring and sharing xxx