A suggestion regarding subject line

  • 3 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hey everyone,

I have noticed over the months that often we start a discussion - like "I can't sleep" or "talking" - but that after a couple of messages relating to the subject line/the discussion, we talk about all other things in that thread too. Personally, I feel this is a little confusing and therefore wanted to suggest that perhaps, when we want to say something/tell something unrelated to any threads or discussions on the forum, we start a new one and only use it for that particular topic. I know this won't be possible all the time and sometimes there is no real topic - for example when the subject line is "Struggling today" - but a subject line called "Can't sleep" could perhaps only contain messages related to sleep and insomnia. Maybe this doesn't m kae sense to many and that's fine too. As I say, it's only a thought.

Lots of love XXX

  • hi Melanie, agree, I actually thought similar the other day when I saw a random comment in one of the threads which took everybody away from the original discussion which I felt wasn’t totally finished. 

    I realise that sometimes whilst we are reading a thread we think of something unrelated and want to discuss but it would be good to be able to read start to finish without too many deviations.

    I find I get lost sometimes when I read the latest post and have to start at the beginning to see what the post relates to compared to the heading.

    My OCD is coming out!

  • No, it's not OCD, I totally agree with you, that's exactly what I meant. If we stick more to the actual topic, it would be easier to decide which messages to read and which not to read - I think there are some people on here, myself included, who simply don't have the time to read all the messages and it seems a bit odd to have to open every single message in case it could relate to something one wants to read if that makes sense. Love X

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hello

    I can see where you’re coming from, it can get confusing, but in a way that’s the beauty of this forum. That we can digress when discussing an issue, by giving examples etc. but then that leads into something else. The risk of having rules or maybe ‘ guidelines ‘ in the way you suggest, may stifle people from saying what they want to say, for fear they are ‘ moving off subject’ it’s a very emotive forum and I would hate to feel people feel restricted about what they can say. However I think where possible it would help to keep ‘on subject’ but again, people must not feel worried that they are writing is ‘off topic’ , it’s difficult enough for most anyway. I am not disagreeing, I am just concerned how it will affect people making posts. Be interesting to see other view points

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories