Letter from DWP

  • 18 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I guess they have to do it, but Received a letter from DWP this morning, 3 months after my Wife passed, saying they overpaid a benefit by £280 and needed it refunded, said there may be more overpayments needing to be refunded but I would be contacted separately. Just thought all the finances were sorted, they don’t even offer to spread it out over several months, so you can never sit back and think that’s it, because another overpayment letter could pop through the letterbox. 
pity they can’t write such sums off. Well it’s paid now so that’s an end to it, for now anyway.

  • My wife did the opposite. She worked for 20 years, paying for a pension she never benefited from. They don't refund!

    Do you have your widower allowance sorted?

  • My husband died 5 April 2020 and he was paid 2 PIP payments (1 on 6 april and 1 on  13 April). I had been in contact with them first on 8 April to stop any further payments (too late to stop the 2nd payment going in) and again to pay them back the 2 overpayments. They were more concerned with giving money out (early covid days) but had noted they would be in touch to get the £302 back. It's now 18 months since Colin died and I haven't been contacted yet, the money is 'resting' in an account until they get in touch with me!! I won't spend it (yet) because I know it's not mine to keep but if DWP don't get their finger out soon I just might Money mouthPoundPoundPound


    Tomorrow is another day
  • Devin, on your wife's pension surely you were the named beneficiary and the pension would be paid out in full to you as a lump sum? 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Do you mean that I could claim her pension when I'm old enough to claim a pension? I didn't think that pension was transferable.

  • Yes? I think you can. I'm no expert but Colin was 58 when he died, I was 57 and I was named on his work, private and older/ previous  pensions he had in place. (We had been married 20 years)  I think you need to definitely look into this. I also got paid out on another thing I'm not going to describe very well - in the 1980's many adults opted out of a thing called 'SERPS' which was to do with pensions.  You might have more understanding if you google it!! Lol you may not be 'of an age' for that 1 Blush

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thank you for your insight. I'll look into that!

    As for SERPS, we moved to the UK in 2007, so that didn't exist anymore  if I follow my google results (and we never looked into the Second State Pension plan that replaced it either).

    I've never been a big fan of admin side of things...

  • I have a widower  state pension, bit more than standard but not much, my Wife had a private pension, it took 3 months, but they finally offered a yearly payment, next to nothing, or a lump sum after tax of around £5000 so I took that, I believe any private pension should have a payment option to the estate or partner, just need to be persistent. My Ives pension was paid in less than 20 years, so I don’t see why you shouldn’t get a payment.

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I suppose I could have ignored it, but figured they would hound me, still it’s paid now.

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • That's why I  won't spend the 300 quid! They're bound to ask for it back sooner or later...b@$t@rd$ Joylol!!

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Good evening all,

    I had a letter from DWP shortly after my partner died in Jan, the letter said they had over paid him, I authorised the bank to pay it back. Just last week I got a letter to say they owed him now (8 months on) I had to ring them, well after been on hold, then told it was the debt management team ( Rob had never been in debt in his life and never claimed any benefits until PIP) then told me they needed to speak to the claimant, well I lost it. 

    They now repayed the money they asked for before, and couldn't give me an explanation.

    Just hope the call was recorded for training.

    Never ending 

    Sending best wishes to everyone during this unbearable time 
