Where will my path lead

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  • 27 subscribers

Although it’s early days Incant help thinking where life will lead me.

I do have concerns about where my future lies. Linda and I slept apart for over 2 years, due to her health issues  intimacy wasn’t possible, no matter how much we both wanted it. Although I am nearly 70, those needs have not changed. I am not ready yet for a new relationship , but getting older all the time, so I just don’t know what’s going to happen. Just don’t know what to do.

In the new year I will join a U3A club and start going on outings, at least will speak to other people.

Hopefully I will have a better future than sitting alone all day See no evil

  • I think the same.where will my life go.

    I couldnt imagine meeting another woman and starting a relationship.

    The days and nights are so long arent they.

    Its 5 months for me and it hasnt got any easier yet.

    I try to go out somewhere every day but you still come back to an empty house.

  • Yes I get told it’s a difficult path…..bit of an understatement, take care 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Arthurd, how often have I asked myself the same question? I lost my beloved Paul three and a half years ago and, like you, I didn't have any friends except one at the time because Paul and I had been enough for each other, we didn't want and didn't need anyone else. I really couldn't understand where I would ever get the strength to go out and meet new people. How do you even do it? But I did it. I joined MeetUp groups, founded my own walking group, also made myself more available to those people who, as I began to realise, would have loved to be in closer contact with me for a long time but I simply didn't make the time for them in my life because my life was Paul and I didn't want anyone or anything else. Now, three and a half years on from losing Paul, I have a good life. It isn't the life I wanted, but it is a life I have come to cherish because it is a good life, even though Paul sadly is no longer physically here. I often ask myself: Will I ever be in a relationship again? I mean, I am only 39, so there is plenty of time, and like you say, I certainly don't want to be on my own and grow old on my own. But I am not sure whether I could really allow myself to have a relationship again. Paul was my one true love. But then somebody said to me the other day that nobody says that it has to be similar to what Paul and I had. It's funny actually: Ther is the Chief Medical Officer of Ireland, Tony Holahan, and I have always liked his voice and his way of speaking and everything. And then I heard that his wife was in hospice, and later that she had died. And I was thinking to myself: With someone like that - someone who has also lost their soul mate and is not looking for a replacement so to speak but just for a bit of love and company - I could imagine that I think.

    We will see what happens, won't we. This life is so unexpected sometimes.

    Love and hugs, Mel

    Well, I had one close friend, Jacqui, who had been there for Paul and me

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Hey Arthurd

    If it makes you feel any better I'm only 21. I still have 50 years until I reach your age but I'm in the same boat. I can't imagine being with anyone but my Nathaniel. I'm pregnant with twins and have 3 kids. I mean who'd befriend the sobbing widow with nearly half a dozen children. Who'd want 5 step children? I certainly wouldn't. I can't get a job until my unborn kids are in school. That's 5 years. They say it's a difficult path, but let's be honest that is an understatement. It's a long, treacherous, sad, god-awful seemingly endless path filled with so many obstacles that it's almost impossible not to get lost or fall over

  • Hello, no it certainly doesn’t make me feel any better at all. There are so many seemingly impossible situations, I trust that God will find a way to help us all. Please feel free to PM me if you want a private chat, I know such things help me when things get bad


    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories