Lost my partner to cancer

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I  lost my partner of 11years on 29th July. I had never known what true love was until I met Maureen, I was in a dark place when she found me and saved my life. Those dark thoughts are now back and I can’t see any way forward.  She fought cancer since 2013 first breast cancer then lung cancer and finally bowel that went to her liver, never have I known a more brave, courageous uncomplaining person.  She fought all the time because we were so happy together   The loss is unbearable I spent all day in tears every thing I look at or touch has memories I feel like I’m going mad.  To be honest I don’t really want to even try to carry on without her I just want to be with her again.  The loneliness is  awful .  I just want to touch her, hear her voice and kiss her. The last days of our time together are not the memories I want as they are like a form of punishment etched on my mind.  Was I  patient enough was I caring enough did I do everything I could right to the end   I have so many doubts and dark thoughts.  The pain is like nothing I have ever known.   She passed away in my arms and was talking seconds before she passed away, is this normal to happen this way ?   I don’t have any close family and we weren’t big on friends as we just enjoyed each other’s company.  This now makes the loneliness even worse.  I feel like there’s a huge weight on my chest all the time, then I feel guilty because she would not want me to be feeling like this.   Thanks for reading my rambling 

  • You are very welcome. Wish I could share a secret to make it more tolerable, but I am still searching for that myself. Be kind to yourself...

    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.

  • Thank you so much Ellie.

  • Dear Peter & everyone, 

    I am so sorry that any of us have found our way to this group, but there are very wise words and kindness here.    I spent large parts of my day in tears , then anger followed by guilt.  Like yourself Peter I have tried to do everything that My Maureen would have wanted me to do and I’ve also done things I know she wouldn’t have wanted me to do, I promised I wouldn’t end up in a dark place full of sadness and despair, but that’s easier promised than done.  I miss the look ! The kind words and just the feelings we exchanged without having to say anything.  The loneliness is hard to accept if I didn’t have to care for our dog who is probably the only reason I am still here, I don’t think I would possibly get out of bed. I wish the day away , something I have never done. It’s been 6 weeks since Maureen passed away and I don’t know if this is normal but I feel worse now than I did last week, I had hoped my sadness and anger at the lack of support received from out of hours just before Maureen went would become easier but now I want heads to roll for their shortcomings. 
    and that’s something she wouldn’t want me to do.

    The most odd things triggers floods of emotions, I can’t even open the kitchen cupboards without tears as everything triggers memories of something.

    I don’t know if anyone else has this, last night I sat there and suddenly I looked at where Maureen would have sat and I can’t remember in my mind what she looked like and the harder I tried the more upset I became, I can’t look at photos as I find them too painful even though they are all happy memories, just hope one day I can look at them and take comfort from them. 

    I know everyone here is going through pain and sadness, and I do feel for everyone as until you have experienced the loss of someone you loved more than you can imagine or even begin to describe  

    God bless to you all 
