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  • 26 subscribers

My darling soulmate Anne passed away from pancreatic cancer just over two years ago. We were married 50yrs. Purple heart

Since that time our children visit me in this way. Every two weeks our daughter visits. And the weeks in between our son,  who lives just two miles down the road - and so again  every two weeks. 

In the mean time our daughter MIGHT phone in between her two weekly visits?  Our son never does. It seems in all a case of ' Out of sight. Out of mind.' 

Anne and I bailed those kids out of financial difficulties in the past, even paying off our sons mortgage because he can't work through  mental problems yet seems to brightens up during his visits? Great companyGrinning

I experience clinical depression and acute anxiety having been on medication for over 30yrs. ( Met Police service and the things I've dealt with.)  I even attempted suicide 6 weeks ago. My daughter told me off because the police had phoned her at 4-30am in the morning then on her next visit  showed no empathy for what I'd attempted. Apparently I was behaving selfishly without regard for the consequences I'd leave behind. Yet on other visits she's  always sweet. 

Without friends -  because they've all died before me -  I'm alone at 75yrs. I feel even more alone now. To be honest I feel like saying to our children ' Just don't bother visiting.' I'm OK on my own. Just get on with your own lives. '  So I'm contented with smoking and drinking heavily myself to I hopefully  an early death so I can be reunited with my darling Anne. 

Geoff x

  • Geoff, 

    im so sorry your family are like this. Is there a phone befriending service near you? Perhaps Macmillan or some of the other support Agencies might know, Would a weekly phone call help. X 

  • Thank you puddle fish,

    I'll check around. 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hello Geoff Let me start by saying its good to here from you again I've often thought of you and how my old copper was doing . Myself I lost my beautiful fiancee on January 2019 and its just so sad my life without the love we did share , My father passed away in May and I'm so struggling both my parents and love lost to me . Families why  does life get so messy when all we need is Love please take care geoff God bless Ann and yourself son 

  • Hello Sunnyboy,

    Goodness you've had it rough my friend I'm truly  sad to hear that. Indeed life does get messy specially for the bereaved. And yes Love is so important in our lives. And I do  now realise that my clinical depression and too much alcohol too often doesn't help. Helpfully an increase in my meds has helped a lot recently through a recent communication with my doctor. I was seriously depressed when I put my post up and in some ways now I wish I hadn't burdened you and others with my woes. Keep in touch sunnyboy.


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.