Do I put my new wedding ring back on??

  • 10 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hello everyone 

Ive come away for a few days with my teenage kids to Brighton for a break,  like everyone in this group holidays are very different now. 
Anyway, I’ve been considering having my wedding ring remade for sometime now, been looking online etc. I didn’t want something showy, but my existing ring needed resizing as was too small & I’ve felt for a while it just needed to look different- I’ve got such mixed feelings when I look at it now (& I’m 3 years+  into this journey). Such sorrow & happy memories too…
Yesterday I bit the bullet & when I had 5 minutes on my own wandered into a shop that remakes rings & told  them how I felt. long story short, I’ve had my ring cut off & the jeweller is making me a slightly different band using the existing material. I was expecting to feel bereft when he cut it off & I left my ring so far from home to be posted back to me. Instead, as well as the relief of having my finger feeling more comfortable I’ve actually felt relief full stop! I really wasn’t expecting this… overnight I’ve been considering having the ring made to fit my finger on my right hand instead now ( it’s a larger finger so would have to let the shop know quickly) because I’m wondering if putting it on my ring finger again will just make me feel more sorrowful..

Does this make sense to anyone?!! This isn’t about meeting someone else or moving on but if I’d been told I would feel this way before I’d never have believed them… I never intended  to be without my wedding ring but now I’m wondering if putting it on again is somehow holding me back??

Thankyou for reading, I miss my husband so much, every day & holidays are no different. 
big hugs to you all 

Sarah xx

  • Hi Sarah

    I think only you know how you feel about your wedding ring and what you decide will be right for you. I cant imagine not wearing mine and hate when I go to work as I've to remove my engagement and eternity rings as I work in a Carehome kitchen. 

    You really made me think when you said was wearing it holding you back. I'm also 3+ years alone and don't know how to live as a single person. My 2 sons still live with me, but are out alot and I sit home alone and honestly think is this it?? 

    Big hug to you too

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Hi Sarah

    what you posted has resonated with me. I too still wear my wedding ring on my left hand, it’s only been 16 months for me, and have seen a jeweller that will make bespoke rings from any of your jewellery. For example will include stones from engagement rings etc. I think this is a brilliant idea,

    when my husband was cremated I asked the funeral director to leave his wedding ring on, others have since told me that it will have been removed and  I wish I had asked for it back, if that was the case.

    I did have a necklace made from my husbands ashes and wear this all the time. People have asked me about the ‘stone’ but it is clear and looks like sparkly gold. It is beautiful and brings me comfort. 
    As I wear my wedding ring I have been asked questions about my husband in the present tense and find this difficult but understandable. You won’t get this happening if you wear your ring on your right hand.

    It sounds to me like you have made your decision and feel stronger for this. 

    I went to Brighton in June with some friends and had a lovely time, hope you have too

    Sending love

    Amanda xx

  • I've been wearing my wedding ring until our wedding anniversary because I've felt that I needed to understand where I was. My wedding ring is now with hers. But I quite like the idea of transforming it into something else to wear it still with an additional meaning.

  • Hi Sarah and everyone,

    Well, there is no right or wrong here, we all do what feels right for us I guess, but for me it wouldn't be possible to take my wedding ring off. Well, I did this morning because I needed to bring it to the jeweler to get it resized, but without my engagement and wedding rings on my finger I don't feel right somehow, something is missing, and I guess it is also about when I meet people and they won't see that I'm married - I still feel married to Paul - and that they don't see it saddens me. I cannot wait to have the rings back. They told me it might take two weeks.

    Lots of love


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Thankyou everyone for all your comments- it really does help me, it’s difficult to talk to other people who haven’t been through this & will but try to understand but of course  they can’t really. 
    I am home now. Been waiting to feel different but now I’m overthinking it as just feel confused! 
    Anyway, I’ve phoned & asked they make the ring a size bigger which I may regret but at least it will fit both hands! 
    I think maybe it’s a gradual thing, but it’s happening at the right time for me even if I didn’t see it coming. 
    The ring that is being made is a plain band with ‘diamond dust’ in it, it reminds me of the stars at night where I like to think my husband can look down on us all. 
    I still wish he was here everyday, but I know I have to try to keep moving, my health has fallen apart since has gone. 

    wishing you all a peaceful day 

    Sarah xx

  • When Colin died and his youngest son was sat with me at the time his wedding ring slipped from his finger I  instantly took mine off to put his underneath mine and I  hope to wear them both for a long long time Heart HeartSparkling heart

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Its been 17 weeks since my darling Cynthia passed. I wear both my wedding ring and wife's around my neck on the same chain. It felt sad to continue to wear mine  on my finger. Having the two rings touching close together somehow feels better and I put my finger through the two when I'm missing her the most.

  • So my ring came back a few days ago & I thought I’d update you. 
    It’s beautiful- so simple, made with the gold from my original ring but it just looks different, & that helps me not to feel so sad when I look at it. 
    That was the problem all along, when something that previously gave you comfort starts to make you feel unbearably sad, well you have to change things a little. 

    Im wearing it mainly on my right hand now, that also feels ok. It gives me comfort. Might not be the right decision for someone else but it is for me.
    I still feel married yet I guess im moving forward slightly because I know that I’m not in the way that others would recognise,  and maybe this is another sign of acceptance that things are how they are now. 
    Hugs to all that need it today 

    Sarah xx

  • Hi Sarah,

    I think getting the ring remade is a wonderful idea and I hope it makes u feel better rather than worse.

    when my partner passed we both had rings with stones in and I got the stones removed and reset together in a new ring which I love. I wear it all the time and makes me feel close to him.

    sending hugs


  • Hi Alan

    l like the sound of your new ring.  It sounds very special.
    I do feel better for doing it, it was the right decision. Thankyou for dropping me a line, it means a lot as do all the replies here. 

    Hope you have a good day today 

    Sarah xx