Adjusting to a new normal - miss My Mr H

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So rewind three years ago I got diagnosed with lung cancer (never smoked) had curative surgery in August 2019.  Was elated but then my husband was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer - liver to damaged to have chemotherapy or radiotherapy,  No time frame given just told you won’t grow old together.  Sadly he lost his brave fight in April.  I have to keep going as I’m only aged 50 - I have fabulous friends and family looking out for me but grief hits like a brick wall when you least expect it.  Tonight is one of those moments - I have surrounded myself with memories of him and the good times we had but he had so much more to give.  Miss you Mr H Xx

  • My gosh Rach that is hard going. To be diagnosed with cancer, then beat it only to have your husband diagnosed and not. Life doesn't half give us some shit at times. 

    My husband died coming on 6 months ago this Sunday. He was only 52 and I'm 49 and I miss him with every breath in my body. He was a wonderful man and fitted me like a glove. We only met 7 years ago and they have been the happiest of my life. I was given this wonderful man at the age of 42 and couldn't believe I'd 'found him' ... I then get to see what life is like with a true wonderful loving partner... only for him to be taken from me. 

    Sending you a hug.


  • Hi MyPineapple-life is brutal !  I’m sorry for your loss - like you I met my husband slightly later in life and OMG did he fill it ! Maybe one day we can find that same happiness again.  Take care Xx