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My husband and I met 3 and a half years ago and married December 2020, we were both in our late sixties. At the beginning of May he was diagnosed with cancer and died at the beginning of July 2021. Since his funeral on Friday I have felt worse than what I have all along and now feel life does not have much purpose anymore, we looked after each other and took good care of each other, and now that has been taken away.

  • Hello Pinkny

    I’m so sorry about the loss of your husband.  I know exactly how you are feeling as Ian died mid June, only 7 weeks after his  cancer was diagnosed. He had no symptoms just a strange feeling in his stomach.

    I am still in shock and can’t really believe what has happened in such a short time. Like you, our future together  was cruelly taken away and at the moment, I can’t imagine one without Ian. We were best friends, at ease in each other’s company and spent many  ‘days trips’ exploring the coast and countryside.

    Coming  home after the funeral was truly awful as the house seemed so empty without Ian, despite being surrounded by family.

    I am just taking one day at a time and that is my advice to you. I wish I could change reality but I can’t and that is so hard to accept. 

    Take care