It’s those dates again!

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So today is 9 months since I lost Chris- the longest in some ways but in others the time has passed in a blur. But without doubt it’s been the worst 9 months of my life. He’s left such a huge hole in my life and of our boys too. 

But today is also 47 years since I first met him, since I approached the good looking young man with gorgeous blue eyes that crinkled at the corners and asked him to dance at the country pub disco  (Well it was the 1970s) I’ve been trying very hard today to remember the good times, the fun times and the wonderful memories I have. It’s been hard, it’s been emotional. I thought we’d so much more time to spend together, time to grow really old together. But I loved him from the moment he said yes and know that in many ways I’ve been blessed. But that’s what makes this so hard, isn’t it?

Sending hugs to you all



  • No matter how long it's never enough. 

    Memories can be bittersweet.

    You and your children can be there for each other.

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate