1 month on - checking in....

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  • 25 subscribers

Hi folks,

Haven't been here for a while, so I thought that i would check in.

It was my 50th birthday on Thursday and today is 1 month since Debs died.

It's been both a tortuously long month and a lightening quick month.

My 2 kids are amazing, I'm so full of admiration in the way in which they are coping and they help me so much too. Other days are really difficult, my birthday for example - I had been looking forward to a big 50th bash since my 40th, but instead I took myself into the Yorkshire Dales alone with Debs in my heart. I cried lots of tears, but it was good.

Back to work on Monday - it will be nice to be able to be Simon the Operations Manager for a few hours instead of Simon the bloke whose wife died.

Life goes on and yet I feel so hollow - on step at a time as I wander this tortuous road.#

Love to you all.


  • Happy birthday, Simon!

    I'm glad you were able to get away and have time to be with your heart. It's amazing how much a good cry can help, isn't it? Birthdays and anniversaries are hard, but they also remind us of the good times. Keep those memories close in your heart.


    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.