Super proud of our Son

  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Finally some good news, our oldest son has secured an apprenticeship in his dream long term job.

This has taken along time and caused much heartache. Firstly as our son is following in his Dad's foot steps and becoming an Off shore Engineer.  Rob died as our son was revising for his Scottish Highers knowing he needed certain grades to be able to attend University. 

He didn't get the grades so has spent 2 years at college gaining other qualifications in Engineering and last April was able to get an apprenticeship to start his career. Then Covid! The apprenticeship programme was cancelled for the whole year.

This year our son has pushed himself to continue online learning and filled in loads of application forms for jobs and apprenticeships. He approached a neighbour who works in the Oil and Gas sector and he has been very kind and helpful. He had the knowledge my husband would have been able to share had he been here. 

Now I have to keep smiling as he prepares to leave home in September and moves 3 hours away. This will be very upsetting for me.

I have been lucky to have this extra time with him but god I'm going to miss him.

I am incredibly proud but even more heartbroken that Rob has missed out on our sons determination, he's so like his dad. 

Take care everyone 

  • What mixed emotions these situations bring. But congratulations to your son and I wish him well. And you too. I’m sure that Rob will be looking down on you both and will be proud- even if I know only too well that you’d much rather he was by your side to share this moment in person. 
    Take care and sending hugs



  • Ah Ruby Diamond, that's wonderful for your son and you and I can understand how proud you are - well done to your son - but also how heart-breaking it is that your Rob can't be there to share your feeling of pride and celebrate it with you. All those mixed emotions are hard to take, aren't they?

    Lots of love, Mel

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Well done to him. And you should be proud 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx