Is Cancer Care a postcode lottery ?

  • 12 replies
  • 28 subscribers

When my husband was diagnosed I joined the lung cancer group on this site... for the first time in months I've just been reading some of the posts.  I am happy for all the sufferers who are getting treatment,  living relatively active lives, holidays and enjoying a semblance of normal life albeit as a cancer patient.  I read of help given by Macmillan nurses, treatment readily available.

I'm very happy for the people who are getting treatment, living fairly well with cancer...

But I am so angry for the people like my husband who were ignored, planned treatment stopped for no good reason except the world discovered Covid. I read of the help and support given by Macmillan nurses... We could have done with someone like that to lend support but no one offered or gave us any information on where to get any support from. 

Cancer is shit... but at the very least, treatment should be of the very best standards regardless of a hospital being Private or NHS.  

  • Hi and

    Thank you for getting back in touch, we just wanted to let you know that here at Macmillan, we value all feedback, even if it isn’t about a specific person. Feedback such as this helps to drive improvements to our services so we can provide the best possible support to people affected by cancer and know what more we need to be doing. We really appreciate you taking the time to share your personal experiences here on the forum and you are always welcome to get in touch with the Feedback team in the future should you need to.

    I know the Support Line was mentioned, but please do keep in mind that the Support Line teams are there to help, even if it’s simply a listening ear you need. They can look to see what additional support is available based on your personal situation and to get in touch you can call 0808 808 00 00  or use live webchat during the hours of 8am-8pm every day.

    I hope you will find the Online Community to be a helpful source of support and to feel that you’re not so alone coping with your feelings and questions, as your welcome to chat to our members and  experts for as long as you need them. The Online Community team are here to help if you need any support using the site, so please do get in touch if you need us. Our email is

    Best wishes,

    Macmillan’s Online Community Team

  • Megan. Thanks for your responses.  

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