How do you reply?

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

My husband of 40+ years died in April.  It all seemed very sudden in the end although we knew it was coming.  Pete always looked well so it was difficult to believe it was close.  I'm finding it so difficult to know what to say when people say 'how are you doing?'.  I think I'm managing awfully well but that doesn't mean I don't have my private melt-downs.  I feel like if I say 'not so bad' then I sound uncaring.  I'm doing my best and I'm thankful people acknowledge it's tough by asking but I really don't know what to say.  Most of the time I say 'I'm mostly okay'.  What do you say?

  • Hello TrishCB

    I lost my husband last October, 33 weeks ago this evening. We’d been together since July 1974. In answer to your question- it depends who’s asking and on how I feel at that moment in time. Like you, I think I’m outwardly coping and functioning at some level. But my private meltdowns are still frequent, especially at this time of night. My most usual response is to say that I’m up and down, which is on a bad day, a gross understatement of how I feel. My more perceptive friends, those who know me really well, don’t always ask- they just show that they’re there in other ways and don’t ask too much of me. Don’t know if that makes sense, or even helps.

    Sending hugs


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    Thanks Jane.  You're right, it does depend who's asking.  I shouldn't care so much about what some people I know, but are not friends, think I suppose.  Thank you so much for answering.  It's just so weird.  I find 7 or 8 in the evening, when I'm alone, the worst I think.  

    Thanks for the hugs.  I'm reciprocating :)

  • It is hard to know what to say. For the first year or so, I found the question prompted a welling-up if not obvious tears. Just be honest when asked. I was not shy telling people that I had lost my husband and was still finding my way. 


    "i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) ..."
    Life must end, but love is eternal.

    Tomorrow is another day