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My parents like the rest of my family have been so so supportive when my darling partner died in April except now . This thing about me going back to work to get me out and will help take my mind off thing and keep me occupied for a few hours . I m not ready . But they won’t listen or hear me . I put how I felt about on face book and said I m sorry it’s my decision. They took the wrong way . Making out I m ungrateful for what they ve done so far . Everything . They came round Friday my father was so aggressive in what and how he spoke to me I was in disbelief and blew up . He threw back at me everything they d had done over the years for me going back years . Like when I went through horrendous time with my divorce they were there . They forgetting they are not living togther for 30 years now their split was nt smooth and they still do not get on and yet they go places togther dad takes mum shopping and they come here togther yet my mum hated my dad for long time fir walking out on her and having see different women latest being their friend from years ago and her being my god mother . My mum disgusted by this yet still sees and need s my dad and vice versa. . He also threw at me about why has nt my son been to see me or asks has David been round . My dad does nt have the best relationship with my brother . 
Everything was turned on me making out I m ungrateful because I ve said I m not ready to go back to work . V hurt angry  and confused . I tried to argue back but gave up thinking I d make a bad situation worse and may have them completely turn away which they asked is what I wanted . Any way somehow things calmed down again playing the we only thinking of you card . Ended up taking me to the building society to have my partners name took of joint savings book . I know weird ending to a complete out of control unnecessary blow up . Now I feel I can’t ever say anything again just to go along with what ever . 
They are both coming round again tomorrow more forms to sign never ending . Will see how that pans out . I guess I should be grateful . As for other family not really heard much from them since the funeral 12 May . Most of them on holiday . But we do have big family picnic in the pipeline to celebrate my darling partners life and sprinkle his ashes his favourite place . I hope he can forgive the upset he d be v upset n angry if he were here . 

  • Open mouththat's some hullabaloo going on there, if you don't mind me saying!! Maybe they need reminding you are a grown woman who is capable of dealing with the necessary paperwork in your own good time. It doesn't have to be done in such a hurry and all bereavement teams you need to speak to will be very patient with you- that's their training tbf. They are grieving too but you need your own space as well as their support so maybe step back for a bit to let the arguments cool down No mouth you CAN get through this, just take your time and look after your own wellbeing. 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • I hope things have settled down a bit for you Ktc63.

    I dont want to appear as yet another person telling you what to do... but it does sound like it's time to take a step back and remind them all that this is your grief and you need to deal with it in a way that's right for you. Grief, has no time scale. Practicalities of paying bills often mean a premature return to work for many bereaved... but that is down to the individual to assess. 

    Don't be emotionally bullied into running before you are ready and remember there are agencies that can support you with sorting through all the paperwork and red tape. 

    Do what feels right for you...