And the hits just keep on coming...

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Why is it when we are at the very lowest of lows a higher being, God? The universe? The Devil? ...whomever,  decides you just aren’t suffering enough... 

Today I discovered that my darling David’s two bikes and his beloved fishing gear have been stolen from the shed!!! 

I really can’t go into it all but let’s just say I know this is me being targeted, I even have my suspicions (could be way off base) but nonetheless have suspicions of who might be behind it but how low can somebody go??  
It’s not a chance opportune theft, due to how my garden is, it’s most definitely targeted and that’s worse still. I live in a very nice area too, not the place this happens but as I say, I think I know how it’s come about. Again, could be wrong and I’ve no way of proving my ‘theory’ anyway. 

Why do good, decent, wonderful men like my David die at 52 with evil cancer that quickly took him from a fit man to a shell in front of my eyes and others who are scum get to live and steal from a grieving widow?? So wrong isn’t it. 

I was so upset for David’s son as I was holding these things (and much more) for him. But what gave my heart hope was how wonderfully grown up (he’s 21) and how very like his Dad he handled it! One, in his stride and two, making me feel better. Dave spoke to me through his son tonight and that’s why I’m not going to bed out of my mind but knowing it’s just a shit thing but compared to my grief, like anything else doesn’t touch it. 

Maybe the culprits will get the karma they deserve. 

Peace & strength xx

  • Oh MyPineapple, that’s really awful. But you must be so proud of David’s son and how he dealt with such a horrid thing. There is some comfort perhaps when he shows that he is his father’s  son. 
    As you say, karma may well intervene 

    Virtual hugs



  • So sorry to hear that MyPineapple there truly are some despicable people in the world.

    I understand when you ask why it's the good ones that get taken from us.  My husband gave his time volunteering as a Blood Biker saving lives, he also donated Platelets every month which meant 2 hours each time strapped to a machine! In his time he saved 100's of cancer patients. Ironically, the very thing that took him so quickly. 

    I remember the day my husband died... I saw a druggie asleep on the pavement. I felt so incensed that despite abusing his body, he was alive!

    I was/am angry at the unfairness. The work shy, the thieves, bullies, abusers, etc who think they can just take and hurt people just plod through life. Yet our hard working, loving, kind, honest loved ones are taken.

  • Your husband was most definitely a good man. God takes the good ones ‘they say’ ...why I don’t know!? Greedy if you ask me. 
    I’m not religious (lapsed Catholic) but I need to believe that Dave is in a BETTER place and that there is some form of penance for wrong doing because for the majority here on earth who do wrong they are never punished!!

    Peace & strength xx 

  • Oh Mypineapple, it's just awful! I am really sorry to hear this. And I am sending lots of love your way!

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.