
  • 5 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi, I have just joined this forum and have been reading some of the posts and get some relief from reading that what I’m going through is normal and it’s not just me going mad. I have felt so alone with my emotions. At the end of January 2020 my husband was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer and was given 6-12 months but sadly he passed away after just 1 month at the age of 52, then after a few weeks going into the first COVID lockdown and unable to get any counselling has been very hard. A year has now passed where I have really shut myself away from the world and I have got myself in a position where I am so anxious and in low mood that I don’t know how to get myself out of it.

I have 3 grown up children from a previous marriage that live within a 15 minute drive away that try and help and be supportive but it’s hard for them to understand what I’m going through so I’m hoping joining this forum will help by communicating with others going through the same emotions.

Thinking of all you bereaved spouses x

  • Hi Pinkalpaca

    Welcome. Not a site any of us ‘wanted’ to join but we’re all glad we have because you’ll find nobody, friends, relatives, even your children will really get how you feel. Only those of us who have lost our spouse or partner know the true depth of the sadness and loss we feel. 

    As you’ve already said from looking through some past messages you can get relief from knowing you’re not alone. 

    Covid and how it’s changed the world doesn’t help one little bit. I’m not wanting anything to reopen because I don’t want to go anywhere too painful, all places full of memories of us. However, I do want the world to start spinning properly again because it seriously doesn’t help!! 

    Its 4weeks for me since I lost my husband who was 52. Also like you it was all very fast. I’m still reeling from how quick it all went. I think that adds to my constant feeling that he’s really not gone...he can’t be just...gone!!! 

    I’m struggling but would be even more so without this site. 

  • Hello Pinkalpaca. 
    So sorry for your loss. This site is a really support place to come- you’ll get support and some degree of comfort from others who are all experiencing the same devastating sense of loss. It is really reassuring to know that you’re not alone.

    You’ll also find that your anxiety about restrictions being lifted is quite common too. I certainly am  anxious about things reopening and having to go out in to the world full of memories on my own. 

    Please keep reading and posting when you feel the need to. Thinking of you and sending virtual hugs 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to MyPineapple

    Thank you for your reply MyPineapple

    i know how you feel when you say that feeling that he’s really not gone, my husband worked away a lot so to me it felt like he was just away working and I felt like that for along time.

    And your right no one knows how your feeling unless they have gone through the same the same pain of losing a spouse or partner.

    So glad I’ve joined this site now,wish I’d done it sooner.

    take care x

  • Hi pinkalpaca, I'm So Sorry for wot your going through,  I know how you feel, my life is so empty since I lost my husband,  it's been 18 months and the pain dosent feel any easier, it was my second marriage, we didn't have children together but I have grown up children who don't understand how I feel, I lost all my friends as I cared for my husband alone for 3 years, sending love and hugs to you xx

  • Hello Pinkalpaca,

    Welcome to this group. It is a group that no-one ever wants to join, however, it is good that we are all here because we can support each other as we are going through what no doubt is the most difficult situation in our life. Please accept my heart-felt condolences on the passing of your husband. I understand how difficult your situation is especially now in lockdown. It sounds like you have become anxious because you haven't ad any contact with anyone really through lockdown, would that be right to say? I hope that talking on the forum here will help you to make some steps into the outside world again, perhaps, once the country opens up a bit, there would be some counselling available for you? I also know of some support programmes for people going through grief and bereavement. Lots of love for now, big hug, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.