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Did anyone else listen to BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine today talking about bereaved having good or bad dreams of their loved one?

Just recently I have started to have such vivid dreams that feel so real .. Just yesterday morning I sat up and said to my 'husband'

"If you're awake do you want a cup of tea?"

Then reality hits and it's like I've lost him again... and again...

But now, people around are less likely to want to talk about him ..they've moved on. Not forgotten, but life and everyday matters take their attention. 

  • Hi Pooka

    I didn’t hear Jeremy Vine. But I do know that in the early days after my husband died, our younger son said that he was dreaming about his dad almost every night. He’s in his thirties and lives in the States but he and his wife did manage to spend a memorable two weeks here in august when Chris was still relatively well although he’d had a terminal diagnosis.I’ll admit, I would love to dream about Chris but can understand that waking up must be so devastating. 

    Sending hugs



  • Hi pooka 

    With me it's not actual dreams that I have it's more thoughts before I drift off to sleep in the early days it was all bad remembering the last week before he passed but then I became better memories things that he would do or say I think it helps that I still use his deodorant like air freshener in the bedroom i have had to replace it twice but it makes me feel closer to him in a weird way can't see me stopping it unless they stop making it 

    Happy dreams kate xx

  • Evening all, 

    Funny you should be mentioning dreams cos I was just talking to someone about this very thing just the other day. I have always had very vivid dreams and we used to laugh about how nonsensical and bizarre they were. 

    Anyway, since losing Gary I dream about him most nights and they are pleasant, lovely dreams. I wake up feeling almost happy even because I’ve been with him. An ex is always in the dream too. A dream analyst would have plenty to say about that I’m sure!! 
    I like to think it’s Gary letting me know he’s ok.

    Peigi xx  

  • Hey all,

    I was just thinking the other day of how interesting it is that in the beginning I didn't dream of Paul at all except for once when it was so real that I stretched out my hand and was sure I would be able to feed him there beside me. And now, maybe in the last six weeks or so, I have dreams with him in it and it's really nice and doesn't upset me in the slightest. I think that I can now dream about him where as before it would have been too painful to do so.

    Best wishes


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.