Meet a friend in the same situation

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

So today I meet an old friend who reached out when she heard Keith had died same age who lost her hubby in sept I have to say we laughed cried hugged but the relief of being with a person that totally gets it was easier it took away all the tensions I feel with others there was no pretending and the little things that make you feel are losing it we where able to laugh about no one gets the brain fog x talk openly and honestly as we do on here to a someone in person was just the thing I need because it’s a tough road I suppose it made me feel like I don’t have to do this on my own I have a friend who finally understands x 

so just wishing I could take you all  on a walk give you a hug xx 

  • Hello

    I know exactly what you mean and I have a friend who found herself in the same position as me when her husband passed away two weeks after I lost Chris. Sadly she no longer lives locally so we haven’t been able to meet up but have exchanged many emails and texts as well as long phone calls. We can’t wait to be able to meet up and have a long awaited hug. It’s sad but such a relief to know that she really gets it.

    Sending hugs, 



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    Hi Jane 

    sorry haven’t replied to your posts getting a bit lost on threads x your garden is beautiful virtual hugs

    a big relief and no pretending 

  • Please don’t worry. I’m the same for getting lost on different threads.

    Thank you for the comments on the garden. All Chris’ work, the photos were taken last summer, when he’d spent all that gorgeous weather working on it. He loved being out there- now I’ve just got to try and keep it looking good for him.

    Hugs to you too


  • I am fortunate in that I gave a friend in the same situation too, her husband died 3 months before mine.

    She has been a godsend
