I miss my husband and very lonely

  • 34 replies
  • 32 subscribers

I lost my husband after 4 year battle with cancer, I feel so alone and hurting so badly,  he passed away July 2019, it still feels like yesterday,  I lost my friends and some family members think they got fed up of me saying no to every time they asked me to go anywhere or do anything but my husband wouldn't let anyone do anything for him only me, I have no one only my counselling and my grandchildren when my daughter comes which isn't very often,  I still not coping very well, 

  • Don't give up. Allow the grief.

    And phone Macmillan.

    They were, and are, 

    helpful to me-my beloved husband had pancreatic cancer, awful, diagnosed last February, passed on tenth  July. They have been helpful. And it is a comfort to read other people's words, to know one is not alone in the pain, the grief, the loss..

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mope

    sending big virtual hugs to you. I too can fully understand how you feel. My husband passed in June 2020 after a 5 year cancer battle. All my family live 130 miles away from me. I gave my job up to be my husbands full time carer and lost work friends. I miss caring for him, I just wander around lost. Glad you found this site. People on here seem very lovely and are all in the same boat. 

  • Hi there,

    I so much understand when you say that you miss caring for your partner. I don't have this feeling anymore but I had this feeling for a good number of months after his death. I wanted to look after him, be there for him, missed being his fulltime carer. And then it changed to a more general feeling of "Okay, if I can't be a carer for him anymore I want to be the carer for somebody, I really want to be needed". I really needed this feeling so much. I think it was because not caring for Paul anymore and not being needed left such a void in my life, it was really hard to bear, and still is sometimes. 

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Sending hugs, it's good we can all understand our hurt, the big emptiness we feel,, xxx