New hobbies

  • 9 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Trying to post something positive to end of the day. Perhaps because I feel quite good tonight, although as usual I've dragged me heals getting upstairs, never mind getting to bed. 

I know we are in lockdown, but has anyone tried a new hobby or got into something new since they’ve been on their own? I bought the boys and I new mountain bikes, quite good ones so we knew they could mange most things and it really has been a lifesaver! I’ve had a few blips lately and not felt great at all, but we’ve been going out on rides and enjoying some local trails. This afternoon/evening we enjoyed some dirt jumps on a bike track and I can image Beth telling us all to to be careful, we aren’t that careful! and I know she would be cross if the boys got hurt. She would also shake her head at me and also laugh and say it was my own fault if I got hurt and that I'm not 20 anymore!  But honestly it really has helped us to find a new common ground and get us out and keeping fit! 

like I say,  just trying to share a little bit of something positive to end the day Slight smile

  • I started to have motorbike lessons, did my CBT then got on a 600cc! A complete disaster! Fell off and broke my wrist. Very embarrassing and painful. 
    Now have 2 big bikes that I can’t bring myself to get rid of but I can’t keep everything can I? 
    Think I’ll stick to my pushbike Bike 

  • Good effort! That's brilliant (not the falling off part) and sounds like a great thing to do.  Maybe you should give it another go!

    It's hard to know what to get rid of,  I was going to keep Beth's car as a spare and then let my son use it in a couple of years,  but we decided against it and traded it in.  Seeing it parked on the drive every day wasn't doing us any good. 

  • I sold Pete’s car after 6 months but have kept his plate as I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing it out and about. We couldn’t go anywhere without someone seeing it! 

  • How strange to read these posts. We’d only had the one car since I joined Chris in retirement. Chris absolutely hated the car- mostly because of its colour (bright yellow- my choice!) But two years ago we started to make plans to swap it, long before his diagnosis. But then I had knee surgery so it got put on hold until last year. Well Covid and then Chris’ diagnosis in July put it all on hold again. But I know that he wanted me to swap the car as it was getting older, so in the last couple of weeks I took the bull by the horns and swapped it, taking delivery of the car we should have got in 2019! It was strange but not sad saying goodbye to the car he’d hated all the time we’d owned it! And I know I’ve got a car he would have approved of, the robin appeared in the garden when I drive it home! 
    Hugs to you all


  • Hello Leigh and Sausagedog 

    Lovely to read about your new ventures, although not so good about your fall.

    Not sure it counts as a hobby exactly but I’m finding myself in the garden doing the hard stuff! I’ve always pottered with tubs but never done the digging and weeding of the garden proper. But as the weather has improved, I’ve found myself starting to do some of the more serious stuff. Not sure I’ll ever love it as much as Chris did, but I feel I owe it to him too try and keep it looking the beautiful haven it always did!




  • Hi Jane, Wheels, Sausagedog1

    A new hobby is a good idea.

    Well done Sausagedog1 good effort!!

    However before Dave got sick I was trying to think of a hobby I could get into as he had a few! 

    Dave was very into cycling when I met him, though he didn’t do much of it after meeting me but in lockdown last year the bike came out more again.

    He also loved to fish which he started up properly after he moved in with me as there are some lovely places close by here to go fishing. I personally don’t get fishing at all!!! I was just glad he always put the fish back. But gosh he loved it and was in a group with a bunch of much older men and he loved that too, even went to their once a month meeting at the conservative club! He was by far the youngest at 52! 

    Then his other hobby, probably his favourite was Gaming (World of War Craft etc) he was very good at it and something his son is also very into. I was always envious of his various hobbies! 

    Jane your garden is beautiful! Neither I nor Dave into gardening much but that was part of our plans to get the gardens in shape, to get a porch built, then either an extension on the back or just a new kitchen, new bathroom. All things I could never afford to do alone but as a couple... I now have a half built porch, that’s it. All breaks my heart. 

    As for cars. We got rid of mine that I always had on finance to buy an old more playful car as a run about (a Mini Cooper convertible) and Dave had his solid Ford Focus ST so if I needed a more realisable car (taking my mum to hospital appointments etc) I could use his. 
    Now I have to hand his car back, try get something on my old mini and get a more realisable car. 

    Gosh I’m so sorry folks... Wheels started this thread to be positive!!! 
    Sorry Disappointed xx

  • Hi Wheels and everyone,

    Positive is good. My GP suggested I take up a new hobby after Gary died at Christmas. It was part of his “now it’s time to look after you” chat. I thought about it and decided to revisit 2 old hobbies - walking and gardening. I’ve been doing a minimum of 10k steps a day (most days since the the beginning of February) and have made a start on my mum’s garden which is huge. My lovely father-in-law is going to help me with that as part of his therapy. I don’t have a garden at our house as such. My efforts will never be as good as Jane’s garden. It’s just stunning. 

    I’m also planning on buying a decent bike (hybrid probably) and getting myself out there on the country roads and paths now the weather’s getting better. The last time I was on a bike was when Gary and I biked the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco a couple of years ago. What a buzz that was and I meant to invest in a decent bike when we got back from holiday but got caught up with life as you do.

    It’s hard to rake up the enthusiasm to do something new and different but for me it’s part of the healing and moving forward process. I am really loving my daily walking challenge now (am even a bit obsessed about it!!) and feel the benefits from it. Long may it last....

    Peigi xx 

  • It's lovely and I do think we have to try and look at the positive things as well as the painful and difficult ones. Because the positive things are there as well. And it will help us to feel a little better when we look at the positives as well. I know, easier said than done but it is true...

    I haven't found any hobbie during lockdown. When Paul was still here, until May of 2018, we were enough for each other, we did everything together: walking, spending time in nature, meditating, listening to podcasts and audio books, cooking, listening to music. I had no hobbies of my own. 

    I have been doing a lot of walking and reading since Paul died. I am no longer listening to as many podcasts as before and I am no longer listening to music on my own really. 

    I would love to find a hobbie but I am not even sure what I would be interested in. And that's not even because I am down or don't see the point in doing things without my sweetheart. I have never had many hobbies I suppose. 

    I have started a support group for bereaved spouses on MeetUp and I am doing a lot of self-development courses. I suppose doing self-development or personal development stuff could be seen as a hobbie of mine. But other than that...

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • FormerMember

    I am into astrology so I used to watch docu movies about it, it's really interesting. I'm also reading articles about what predictions can be made with the help of that, how the planets can influence our life