He lost the fight

  • 3 replies
  • 26 subscribers

My wonderful husband died exactly one year after he asked me to marry him and the day of his first surgery for glioblastoma. In one year he had two resections a bacterial infection in bone flap and then two new Glioblastomas grew  in just two months which took him away.

9 years of happiness and just 8 months since our wedding. I am proud to have spent the past year caring for him and travelling on his journey. Funeral in two weeks and I am numb. Lost . Confused. I have to start my life again at 55.

find a home and a job and discover how to be strong and positive. I made a promise to Tom I would live and learn and love and carry on..... so hard

  • Hi - I’m so sorry you are in this position. It’s the worst and the pain is at times unbearable. 

    If I’ve got any advice it’s to take things a step at a time and get the funeral out of the way before worrying about anything else. 

    And take time to look after yourself after the last year you’ve had. It was the first thing my doctor said to me after we lost Gary 10 weeks ago and he was so right. You will be exhausted after this journey but I know exactly what you’re saying about it having been a privilege to be on and care for your Tom during this time. At my worst periods it gives me some comfort to know that I was there for my Gary every step of the way and even gave up my work/career to be with him and give him the care he needed.

    Keep checking in in here and posting when things get tough. We’re all in the same boat. You are stronger than you think and you will get through this. 

    Peigi xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to CD Girl

    Thank you. At the moment I’m just numb. I gave up working and a degree to care for him. We spent hours talking and happy in lockdown to be alone. Words in this last year I will treasure . Once the funeral is over I need to focus on my future. I promised x

  • Peigi says it so well above. 

    I am struggling no doubt about it but I keep coming on here reading things, it’s the only time I feel an element of comfort because I can feel the pain we’re all in. I wish none of us were but we are and reaching out to each other is important. 

    You WILL think about your future, you promised him and that will push you on but please don’t put pressure on yourself either! You’ve been through so much you need time. 