Work pals paperwork

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Hi all so just thought get all out in one post 

so I have been thinking about trying to get back to work due in a week Monday so popped in Friday what I am finding  is every time I see someone I haven’t seen and it’s the first I am sobbing before I start so in this world  of covid thinking we are doing at a much slower pace than in normal circumstances so how hard is when someone wants to give you a hugs and can’t so I work in a school so most of last year spent shielding hubby so been a long time and just the anxiety so being away so long is bad enough without his death so popped in and on the way out 3 people asked how Keith was So straight back in an emotional wreck to ask to please inform staff x hard enough dealing with without having to say out loud all over again so I suppose asking for any tips they are referring me to oh only work 3 days since Keith’s illness anyone know if they can do phase return without oh referral so I am going to try as I am at home and everything reminds me he’s not here being out is just something I don’t want to do with out him so feel some kind of routine may help me

phone pals to ask questions dr phoning Monday making me very anxious and it’s just things I need to help me because it just goes over and over in your head which for me stops me remembering any of the positive and all that self critical thinking takes over 

paperwork just makes me want to curl up and cry so went to bank seems like everyone over paid to pay back wages and was so overwhelming convinced me I was being scammed as payment details didn’t match in normal circumstances would have said no fine send no came away had to make more phone calls and yes was all ok back again confidence in your abilities just gone xx I wasn’t prepared for how much to sort out and how different companies can deal with so differently no compassion 

so this week feel emotional drained it takes so much energy to try to interact with the really world and fed up with people comparing the loss of a spouse it’s not the same we have been robbed of our dreams and future I am  56 and I know younger ladies gents here but I feel I am just to young to be a widow breaks my heart 

sorry for the long rant getting it out there helps me 

big virtual hugs to you all xx 

  • Oh Sunsarah, there is so much to deal with and the current restrictions just make these hard tasks so much harder. It is no wonder you feel emotionally drained, I’m sure all of us on here can understand that. Returning to work must be a huge thing to face. It’s not something I’ve had to deal with being as I am retired but I can’t begin to imagine how I’d have felt if I’d had to deal with that too. I hope that things go as smoothly as they can and that a routine does help. 
    The paperwork is unbelievable and although it will be 20 weeks tomorrow for me, I still panic about the things I might have forgotten to do. The car is due it’s service and the reminders from the garage keep coming addressed to him, even though I’ve phoned them to tell them. You’re quite right about how differently companies deal with our contact and as you say, the lack of compassion with some is shocking. 
    To remind you to be kind to yourself sounds far too flippant but I do mean it. Try to take care and pace yourself where you can. I wrote things down to remind me what I’d done, who said what and what I’d got left to do. I tried to prioritise things so that I didn’t have to have the same conversation endlessly on the same day. I’m sure I haven’t suggested anything new or different so I’m sorry for not being more original.

    The emotional rollercoaster is horrible, I want to get off now, I want someone to tell me it’s all been a nightmare and most of all I want our old, pre diagnosis, life back. 
    Sending virtual hugs


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum


    I bought myself a folder last week as been working off a big pile of paperwork making life easier I haven’t wrote down conversation but think that’s great to remind myself who I have spoke to and what was said x I get very confused I suppose just like all finance bits sorted so can work everything out take away them worries 

    me too like to get off this rollercoaster too and have a life back without cancer 

    big virtual hug you take care of you too it’s hard when we haven’t for long xx 

  • FormerMember

    This is what I’m also dreading the most. My Paul passed 9 weeks ago (age 53) I’m 46, and like you I’ve pretty much been in a ‘boarder line panic attack’ cocoon of paperwork phone calls and funeral arrangements. (That’s all stopped now thank goodness) 

    I’m self employed and I’m terrified of having to explain or have ‘sympathy’ from everyone who knew our situation the moment they walk through my door. I’m officially open 12th April and whilst  the whole world seems to be celebrateing  everything opening again on this date, it fills me with fear and dread. I can’t even pick up the phone to call my customers to let them know they can pick up their orders. Cause I know they’ll ask how he is...

    And I agree the restrictions make it so much harder, if I had a pound for every time I heard, ‘I wish I could hug you’ own mum and dad won’t come near me, hug me, they just stare at me with sympathetic looks on their faces it’s utterly ridiculous. 

    people say wrong things all the time. I’ve come to realise that they have absolutely no idea what Were going through cause they haven’t lost their sole mate, life partner, so whatever they say it won’t be right to us, but at least they tried and the heart is in the right place. 
    lol I even had a neighbour that didn’t listen to me, kept shutting me down and went on and on how her husband has a bad leg and had several tests but the drs don’t know what it is.....her mouth was moving but I shut it out and just nodded

    Please keep posting and I agree with kenickiesmum be kind to yourself, it doesn’t all have to be done in a day. Some days I managed to tick 3 phone calls off the list, others I only just managed to have a bath. Both are equally vital achievements. Xx

    Lots of love


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Claraul 

    sending you a big virtual hug xx