
  • 5 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Since I lost my husband my concentration seems shot. I find it hard to read, watch TV or any activity. Have others found this? 

  • Definitely. I’ve read books but really couldn’t tell you what they were or what happened in them. Same with TV. The only things I can focus on in short bursts are crocheting projects and the occasional jigsaw. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    Reading is difficult for me, along with working. I get easily distracted now and my mind wanders. But I do find binge watching Netflix or similar seems to work for me. 
    My memory is shot though, can’t seem to remember anything these days xx

  • I find the same, I can't read at all.

    I am just starting to watch some dramas on TV...I've spent the last 3 months with the television on permanently just for company but unable to watch anything apart from A Place in the Sun!  So I suppose that is some sort of progress Slight smile

    I had a job interview last week, I used to work there and they know what has happened. I explained about my "widow brain" at the start of the interview, just in case my mind went blank!  It did, but I got the job anyway!  So I'm going back to work after Easter, I hope my memory is a little better by then...

    It's still small steps for us xx

  • Going back to work will be one of the best things you can do!  after the initial 'first day' being the new girl and your workies already know you and what's happened it will give you some hours of thinking of something else. Then when you come home speak out loud to your hubby about the day you've had- I go to Colin's grave everyday and tell him what's gone on that day, I go quiet when people walk past so they don't think I'm totally mad lol!!! 

    Enjoy Slight smile

    Tomorrow is another day
  • I don't think people would think you're mad at all, I bet most people do that!

    I have John's ashes at home and often sit with them either talking to him or crying. I don't know what I'm going to do with them yet, but there's no rush.

    I think you're right about going back to work; I started volunteering at the covid testing centre near me a few weeks ago and that has helped me ease myself back into the world. I'm not sure I really want to be back in the "normal" world but it's another step in moving forward. xx