Partner dying from squamous cell carcinoma in 12 weeks post op

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I haven't been able to puck up the courage and say that my Partner Lesley had died 3 weeks ago after a battle with the cancer, I can't get over how the doctors could not help her with in the time. They operated on the inside of her mouth where the primary cancer was on her cheek, they also took her lymph nodes out which had cancer in them.  The maxfax doctor said that he had got 99.9 % out which when told that a big relieve overcome us.  we waited four weeks post op for the radiation to begin, before this happened Lesley had lymphedema and got some sort of infection on the operated site, puss was oozing and the radiation was put off until infection was cleared, when radiation and chemotherapy started first couple weeks (six weeks Post op) we noticed spots appearing and spreading we wasn't told that they were cancer we thought it was from radiation treatment.  The oncologist told us that Lesley had a 20% survival and if treatment worked could prolong her life for up to 5 years. We was positive at the time and Lesley continued the treatment which seemed to do more harm than good as the spots was appearing ten fold and moving around to her good side of face. and lips  they changed the mapping of radiation to compensate for spread, but didnt help as it was on week four after just one treatment they told us that it had now spread to the lungs and spleen.  

They wanted to start immune  and gave her just one treatment.  sadly on week 12 while i was nursing her every need she developed sepsis and pneumonia, she became delirious and was taken into hospital on sat morning thinking that she would be coming home.   i couldn't see her sunday as the ward had covid 19 on it from one of the patients, and on monday morning 5am i got a call telling me Lesley had taken a turn for the worse and i called the family we watched our beautiful Lesley struggle with her breathing until 1705 that day and she passed away. 

I am heartbroken to say the least and my partner of 28years and 5 months has left me !  I really am finding it hard to cope with out her and over these past weeks cant focus or think about anything else apart from could i have done more or what if she didnt have the operation did the hospital perform to the correct standards in her care..  my children are distraught and aren't with me at home where do i go from here. i want you to know that a simple spot can turn into this painful outcome within a blink of an eye...  our lives with out Lesley because of Cancer has changed us forever.   

Please who ever reads this remember don't take your partner loved one for granted give them a kiss every day and hold them tight as if i had known this would have happened I would do all those things and more.    

I hope that if you have cancer that you treat it with all your might and get over it out the other side  My lesley tried her hardest and Lost but We shall never ever forget her or what might have been if we had known it was cancer to start with.   

Love and best wishes to all  Regards Mark.xx

  • It's very hard to admit to ourselves that our partner has died because we really don't want to believe it. It's all part of the process, denial, shock and asking yourself all those what ifs, could I have, why? I'm sure you did all you could possibly in very difficult circumstances because of (I was going to swear there!!) Covid.

    Your postmade me cry because life is so precious and when I see couples not holding hands or kiss each other when saying hello/goodnight or bye see you later, upsets me, one day they will wish they had  Sleepy

    Take your time with grieving, use this site to get things off your chest, it really will help because all us bereavers know exactly how you feel from experience. 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi Mark 

    Cancer is a horrible thing I have had family members that have had it and got through the other side unfortunately my loving husband only lasted 4 weeks from diagnosis ,he passed away on the Wednesday and was due to start immunotherapy the next day 

    For 20 years we would never go to bed on an argument and always kissed each other when we left the house my belief was always you never know what will happen in life you could walk out the front door and get hit by a car negative i know but it lead to a very loving relationship 

    It does wind me up when I hear people doing petty things to wind up there partners or don't talk to each other for weeks over somthing stupid you just want to shake them and tell them i would do anything to have my old life back 

    Sending you hugs kate xx

  • My beloved partner passed away just over six weeks after his diagnosis.  The onset of the disease was sudden and the cancer was  aggressive and progressed rapidly.  We both went into shock and grief.  It was a time of turmoil and exhaustion and we just tried to deal with it and cope.  I've learned that guilt, anger and the 'what ifs' are often a big part of grief for some people.  As if the grief and loss aren't bad enough pain, we torture ourselves with remorse that we might have let our loved ones down.  People blame themselves even when there is absolutely nothing to blame themselves for.  But  here's the thing: there's a saying that "Love conquers all".  As somebody said, the illness and the events surrounding it don't sum up or define the relationship.  Nothing can take away that deep love shared and all that went before, and where there is love there is forgiveness.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to BootsyD


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kate 41


  • On 5 December my husband was diagnosed with end stage oesophageal cancer.  Once we got over the shock of the devastating diagnosis (not even palliative chemo was available to him) we started to plan for the 5/6 months we had left together.  Less than 2 months later he developed sepsis because of an infection in his bile duct and was rushed to hospital.  He died on 5 February.  This has been such a painful and traumatic journey.  I feel so cheated of even our last few months together.   As Mark said, cherish every second with your loved one.  I’m grieving him - and all the things we never got to do - and the conversations we will never have

    love El x

  • Hi there,

    I am so sorry to read this and know exactly how you are feeling. My lovely husband Gary died on Christmas Day after a 15 month long battle with oesophageal cancer. We were devastated when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 because there had been no signs other than that sensation of food being trapped latterly. He was 51 - no age at all. 
    My way of getting through this has been to keep busy (or do as much as you can in the early stages) and look after myself because you will have been neglecting that.  Eating properly, walking, exercise and talking to friends/family has helped me so far. I also got help from my lovely GP in the very early days (sleeping tablets) and that definitely worked for me because if I was sleeping it was easier to face the next day. 
    You will feel robbed, you will ache but you will come through this. We all will - we have to carry on for our partners that don’t have the chance themselves anymore. I feel that Gary is still with me every day - just in a different way. I still talk to him and ask him for advice. It always comes. 
    Oesophageal cancer is a vile disease. I wish you strength and hope. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other for now. 

    Peigi xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to CD Girl

    Thank you all for your support and all your heart felt feelings of loved ones passed.   I sort of felt emotional focused on you all thinking of all your information regarding your thoughts.   I myself today went down to the funeral director (who is a friend) to have one last talk to my best friend and soulmate.  I took down a long letter which she could read while waiting for her journey to the next chapter.   I stood over her and all the what ifs came flooding back tears dripping onto her head. I placed the letter just under her arm, spayed some of her favourite perfume around her neck made sure her hair was in a nice position.  We was silent for a while I held both her hands and rested my head on her chest knowing this will be the last time I ever touch her.   One more kiss and a little tear and I asked my friend to let me put the lid on her and to make sure it was tight.  He let me do this and once I had screwed it down I touch the lid and said farewell my love I’ll see you soon kissed the box.  I was hoping to hear a noise like you would in the films but that was stupid of me.    

    I left her there saddened by the thoughts running through my head at this time.   

    I know that this is nothing to do with our lost ones as such but has anyone else had a partner with previous children my Lesley has some one of which has only been interested in the will.  I’ve had only problems from her from the funeral to threatening our children her half brother and sisters.   I found out she had taken a picture of her mother while dying in the hospital which she had sent to her half sister from Lesley’s first marriage.    The strain of this is so hard to cope with.  I just want the funeral to be done with out her attendance.   Anyway thanks.  Mark x