It’s the little things....

  • 29 replies
  • 36 subscribers

So here I am sitting in bed sobbing yet again. Why? Because I forgot to turn off the landing light as I came to bed. It’s ridiculous the things that reduce me to tears.

Take care all


  • Hi

    I know the feeling only too well! 

    I went upstairs to get something the other day but when I got there I couldn't remember what I'd gone for.  Nothing unusual there really but I just broke down into floods of tears.

    I put it down to my brain still processing what has happened, it'll be 2 months tomorrow since I lost my husband. 

    Our brains and bodies have suffered the most appalling shock and I think it will be a long time before little things stop reducing me to tears. It's all part of grief I suppose, awful as it is.

    Sending a hug xx

  • Hi,

    My husband died in November, at first there was so much to do, most of it horrible, but I was very busy. Now I think I have gone some way past that and I am now hoping to find things to do and learn, but I don't think it ever goes away. I have put together a Spotify playlist when I feel I need to, not wallow, but face my loss, it always reduces me to tears, but I have found it useful. Yesterday, I cleared out his car, because I need to sell it,  and spent most of the day crying. 

    My daughter bought me a portable touch light, because I was tripping over everything between the lightswitch and the door to the stairs. It is often the little things that set me off.

    Just know that you are not alone, and nothing you do is wrong, its hard, but try to remember the good times and hopefully we can meet friends when this horrid pandemic allows. 

    All the best XX 

  • FormerMember

    Sending you a big hug was the chop sauce for me today xx 

  • I had my routine breast screening appointment this morning, back at the same hospital he was in when he passed. Enough said. 

    Sending hugs


  • Every night I realise I’ve forgotten to turn the heating down. X

  • It's the back door for me I think I am becoming a bit ocd about it I have to check i have locked it 3 times be for i go to bed 

  • Hi justmenow I

    to have a playlist  that I like to sit and listen to when I want to just have some time on my own thinking about neil even though I know I will cry i think its like watching a sad film like water ship down you know you are going to upset but it is worth it 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kate 41

    I do that in the car all the time. I’ve cried more in the car listening to our favourite songs than I have anywhere else. Probably not all that wise when I’m trying to drive.

    the other day I got upset because I couldn’t open a jar..

  • I’ve stopped having the radio on in the car for exactly that reason. So many songs seem to move me to tears- he always used to tease me about  my obsession with the words of songs. 

  • It truly is the little things.

    I've just finished updating my profile by changing the present tense that I used when I set the profile up to the past tense.

    Now that the tears have subsided, I keep telling myself, "This too will pass - it may pass like a kidney stone - but it will pass.

    The day after your journey ends, the sun will still rise.
    As will you.