My husband died this week.

  • 7 replies
  • 29 subscribers

That’s it really. I just feel numb and so very tired yet I can’t sleep. I know it’s too soon to try and deal with but hello anyway. 

  • Hi June

    I'm so very sorry for your loss, it truly is devastating.

    I lost my husband at Christmas, it was such a shock. I thought I would never cope, but it is now nearly 2 months since I lost him and somehow I have coped. It hasn't been easy at all but I am in a better place than I was and that's all I can ask for.

    You will be numb, from shock and unable to sleep, I was too but I am now sleeping a little better.

    The advice to take things one day at a time really works for me, I think I will be doing this for an awful long time.

    I hope you have some good support around you. Be kind to yourself and dont expect too much from yourself.

    Keep posting on here when you need  the support I've had here is what has kept me going...people who really understand.

    Sending a virtual hug x

  • Hi Will6

    So very sorry you have had to join this group, but you are not alone when you are here, every one truly understands how you are feeling. Its real early days for you, and yes it is one day at a time.

    I am 16minths now and seems like yesterday, at the start  i was like many here numb lost alone you name it and it is something we all go threw in our own time,

    I am just starting to fill a little bit like me and  now know that i have to slowly go forward, though i will take my hubby in every thing i do, he is and was a part of my life and as i slowly move forward he will be there..

    I would never have got this far if it was not for this group, they held me up, listen to me, ,went threw the emotions that come with   ,grieve,  and one day

      the sun does shine again though not so bright.

    Always some here here for you do not be a stranger.

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • Hello June

    So sorry for your loss. It is so awful to lose your other half. 

    It is 4 months and 1 day since I lost my husband. I still feel numb, am sleeping a little better- mostly because I leave going to bed until I’m almost asleep. I still have moments when I’m expecting someone to say ‘Wake up now, it’s all been a bad dream’ I’m definitely still numb most of the time.
    Take each hour as it comes. In the early days, I had to limit how much of the official stuff I could face in any one day. There were only so many times I could repeat the same information over the phone. 
    Posting on here has been a real support- people who understand what it’s like.

    Sending you a virtual hug xx

  • FormerMember

    hi June 

    sending you a virtual hug and love I am so sad for you this site is really helping me it is supportive loving and people who just get it xx 

  • Hello everyone and thank you for your replies. I’m having a tearful day today triggered by knowing that we may all be free on 21st June. It’s amazing news but it’s my birthday on the 22nd so my beloved will miss freedom and my birthday. We locked down from day one to keep him safe from COVID and I’m so pleased I kept him safe from that. At least he was at home with me when he passed just as he wanted. I miss him so much. Best wishes to all.


  • Hi June, 

    So sad, I have no words, have a read of my profile so many connections.

    Such a cruel world.

    Love D

  • Hi June,

    I am so very sorry for your loss. And I am glad you have found us here because we are a group of people who understand because we have gone through a similar situation in that we have all lost our partners to this horrendous disease. 

    Being free on 21st June? Well, I don't know whether this will really happen or not. Doesn't look likely here in Germany and Ireland at the moment, I am currently in Germany with my family and have been here for almost a year now because either Germany or Ireland is in lockdown and I just can't fly back. However, and whenever freedom comes, I will be so glad that Paul didn't have to experience all of this. My late husband died in May of 2018. 

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.