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Dear all, 

Ive just had the nerve to at last - after 19months of my dear wife Annes passing - to empty her bedside cabinet. What I've found has devestated me! Letters written by Anne to me but never delivered. Letters written in the earlier years of our marriage that said she was unhappy because I drank too much and my behaviour scared and unnerved her. Yet I remember  I was unhappy then,  despite loving Anne to bits. But I desperately needed physical affection ( Not sex. Our sex life was brilliant.)  I needed to be hugged and told I was loved. But that rarely happened. Anne told me ' Love isn't about saying you love someone. Its about what you do for them.'  I found this emotionally hard because if I ever hugged Anne she would push me away or freeze. So I drank to deal with the emotional pain. Stupidly I allowed myself to have a brief relationship with another women - but not an affair. But I realised that this type of thing isn't love. So I escaped from it feeling very guilty I'd even gone down that route. However about 3yrs later my sweetie pie and I went along with our closest friends on a romantic weekend away. But when I approached my Anne in bed I got the elbow. It totally messed me up. Having driven home I drank to much and then blurted out about the liaison Id had with that other woman. This caused my sweetheart trauma beyond belief. Yet this sweet lady forgave me and within a few weeks I was allowed back into the marriatual bed. Anne later  said to me. 'Its OK to say you are sorry but you haveto take responsibility  for what you did.Try arguing  with that !  But my darling lady still  remained distant to hugs and affection. I now realise this was her nature; it wasn't personal. But Oh how I needed those hugs and the '  I love you.'   Specially now as a police officer I was coming home and from dealing with bad stuff. However later in life my soulmate Anne developed many illnesses ( Did I trigger those ? ) one of which made full sex for her  painful. Remembering my past mess up and my betrayal of trust I went over 20yrs without full penetrative sex and  was never tempted to find other ways to deal with my masculine needs. Eventually after many years and  Annes passing I will still  never betray her by going with another woman because Anne is my soulmate.She always will be.  My last birthday card from my darling said "  To Geoff. My wonderful husband & my rock. Love you always. Anne. xxxx xxxx  When ever I read that card it tears me apart. Finally  I was honoured and privileged to be with my darling when she took her last breath from pancreatic cancer. I'd said to her " I love you my Anne. You've been the best wife a man could ever have. And the kids love you. You are the best Mum any kid could ever wish for. "  Thats when my Anne took her last breath and passed away with a smile on her sweet  face. But those letters I mentioned at the start have devestated me. What a bastard I am. Good and loving behaviour is default- no medals for that.  BUT bad and hurtful behaviour to me is the measure of a person. Im now drinking heavily and don't care if I become an alcoholic. Im sick of this life and just want out. 

  • FormerMember

    Hello! Geoff  Hope you are feeling a bit better today I'm sorry the letters upset you my friend that wasn't  the intention of your Anne . At that time she was just putting to paper her feelings at that time. You did say your behaviour was a bit erratic  wish the pressure of your job . The woman you loved for 44years stayed loving you always Wow amazing your a good man geoff don't be boozing to much please make Anne proud of her man . Take care you . 

  • Dear Geoff,

    What an honest and heart-felt post this has been. 

    I can understand that finding and reading the letters must have upset you. 

    Your are not a bad person. You may have upset your Anne by drinking too much at some point in your relationship. And the affair may have upset her. And there may be other things you did do or didn't do that upset her during the long marriage you had. But, equally, she did things that upset you like, for example, not being affectionate or close with you in a way you would sometimes have liked and indeed needed. You know, I think we all do things in our relationships that, when we look back on them, weren't for the best and even caused upset to our partner. I really do believe that every relationship is like that. So I feel you have no reason to approach yourself for anything at all. And, as you can see from the letters, your Anne loved you deeply and despite the ups and downs in the relationship. That is a beautiful experience: unconditional love. And you, in the last moments of your Anne's life, expressed your unconditional love for her when you told her that no man could have a better life. 

    If I may, I would like to give you a virtual hug now and say: Everything is okay between you two, and it's such a pity that you had to part so very early in your life together. 

    As for clearing out cupboards or bedside lockers, I had a very painful experience when I cleared out Paul's bedside locker. I did this with my mum when she came over to Ireland to be with me for the weeks after Paul's death. You have to understand that I am blind [or have a vision impairment as we say today] and can't see hardly anything at all. So I was glad she was there to help me with the documents in his bedside locker. However, my English is native level whereas she has no English at all. So that was the setup. When I asked her to read the documents out to me, she tried; they turned out to be bank statements and, at the time and full of pain as I was, I told her not to continue reading because of course I knew what they were. I asked her to tear them up even. When I went to the bank a week later to cancel Paul's credit card, the guy behind the counter asked me whether I would want to cancel the current account as well. I couldn't say anything. We had no account with AIB. Or so I ha thought. And now I had to learn that my beloved Paul had had a current account behind my back since 2016, for more than two years behind my back, with a couple of thousands in it. I went home and cried with anger and hurt. It took some weeks before I was able to let it go because, since I would never be able to talk to him about it and find out why he had done this and withheld some money from me, even lied about statements when they came in and not telling me about this account at all, I decided that I would have to let it go 

    But your post brought this memory back to me. Paul and I loved each other so much and I would have said that we talked about everything always. But then I had to learn that there was something he had not told me about ever. It was a shock. And I suppose you may have felt similar when you found the letters of which existence you hadn't known before. 

    Love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Oh! Sweetheart Mel. The things we don't know about concerning the loves of our lives until they've passed over?    Perhaps; and only perhaps,  many of us have our inner thoughts, feelings, and in your case a bank account that werent  known about,  never expressed  -  and in individual cases on both sides things never said or revealed  in life to the other.  However its so painful when these things are  addressed if seen in writing when our darling has gone? But are we all guilty in some way or another  of having our own secrets, thoughts, feelings, resentments no matter at what stage in our loving relationship? Human beings are such complex creatures. But Oh how it hurts when us folk are left behind to discover these anomalies. But if it wasn't us it might have been  for  them to discover something about ourselves. 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember

    You sweet man. Your dear Anne loved you, loved you so much and forgave you. You have the most overwhelming regret that has consumed you and the letters have brought it all back, I’m so sorry.  These things can never be changed, they’re in the past, but your also human with human needs. One thing you can change is you, your behaviour to you. 

    my husband at times wasn’t the best behaved towards me, he would be very hurtful sometimes when he drank (which was frequently) I was also a bit standoffish towards him with sexual affection, sometimes because of the drinking and sometimes because all I wanted was a hug and affection not full blown sex.

    but I truly deeply loved him body and soul, I hated seeing what he was doing to himself but that was his choice not mine. I cared for him in his last 18 days at home, never left his side and like you told him that he’s so loved, I’ll always love him. 

    please care for yourself, Anne saw beauty in you, she loved you for you, please see that and look after it for her. X 

    you are loved xxxx