
  • 6 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hello, I am sadly new to this site and am so lost. I lost my beautiful amazing husband of 24 years to cancer 34 weeks ago, he was only 57. He had a 5 year battle with bladder cancer. It won. I could not believe I would never see him again and now 34 weeks later am only just realising that I will never see, hear, cuddle, laugh and be silly together with him.
And I get a little angry if I am honest, at life, at the unfairness of it. Then I feel guilty as he never felt that way through his illness 
as even at the end with just days left he said to his consultant in Rowcroft “don’t look so sad, I am fine, there are people out there who are worse off than me, at least I got 5 years out of this cancer”.  And that was after suffering terribly for the last year through chemo and the cancer spreading throughout his body. He never ever complained and just wanted to make sure that I would be ok after he went.

I miss him beyond words, I do not feel whole any longer, part of me left when he did.

Thank you for reading my post

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry for your loss. My husband passed away in November 2020 almost a week after his 60th birthday.  My husband also never complained and was always more concerned about everyone else too. I think we were fortunate to have such wonderful people in our lives. I too am only just starting to realise the things I've lost, as you say, those special moments. It's the strange reality that he's no longer here  and that I will never see him again. I know he'll live on in our memories and always in our hearts but oh what I wouldn't give for just a little more time with him. Were all here to support each other so I'm glad you've decided to join. Big hugs.xx

  • Hello both 

    I lost my husband exactly four months ago after a short battle. I still struggle to believe that I’ll never see him again, get a hug when I’m feeling down or have him bring me a cup of tea. I get upset that I can’t remember what he sounded like as the first symptom that something was wrong was him losing his voice. But linked your wonderful husbands, C never complained, said he’d been lucky to have 67 years and he spent all his time worrying about me. The last time I was with him in hospital, he wanted me to come home because he didn’t want me coming to an empty dark house. That was the day we were told there was nothing to be done, as it turned out just 5 days before he passed and was the last time I spent with him. Sometimes all those memories- 46 years worth- aren’t enough. 
    The support on here is so valuable

    Virtual hugs 


  • Hi 

    I am sorry you have had to join this group  I found it a big help . It always surprises me how strong our partners were Neil always worried about leaving me with all the bills to pay and being on my own , we only had 3 weeks from diagnosis to him passing and at the beginning i felt cheated that i hadn't been given enough time to come to terms with what was going to happen but I think now even though I would do anything to have him back with me I am glad I only had to see the man I love suffering for such a short time 

    Sending you hugs


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Jojoe 

    I am sorry for your loss also. It so sucks doesn’t it.  We were indeed fortunate to have such wonderful hubby’s and I do feel so lucky to have had his love.

    big hugs to you x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kenickiesmum

    Hello Kenickiesmum

    thank you for your reply. So sorry for your loss also. It is hard to accept we will never see them again. I find I cannot look at his photos yet as then I have to accept I will not see, feel, hear or hug him ever. I miss our silliness together, we always laughed so much. I can’t remember the last time I laughed like we used to. 
    big hugs to you x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kate 41

    Hi Kate

    thank you for your reply and sorry for your loss also. That is such a short time to come to terms with losing your Neil. The first 4 years we believed he would be ok and there was hope the cancer could be contained but then the terminal diagnosis and then the real suffering. I seem to be stuck in a replay loop of that last year. Trying so hard to overwrite the happy memories we had for 24 years. 
    big hugs x