Another first

  • 5 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Well that’s another first done. Today has been my birthday - oh how I’ve missed him. Birthday celebrations were always modest by some people’s standards but it was always a day where I was made to feel special. I have to say my sons and my daughter in law made it a special day, my friends have been amazing but at the end of the day I just wanted a birthday hug from the one person who has left such a huge hole in my life. Tomorrow will be 4 months since I lost him- longer than his diagnosis was. I will try to remember the happy times, the precious memories but sometimes that just hurts because I wanted more.Sorry for yet another ramble, but it’s only here that I feel people really understand the pain.

Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kenickiesmum,

    Im glad that you were at least able to be spoilt a little by family and friends, and I hope you managed a few smiles amongst the tears.

    I do understand about happy memories being painful sometimes. It’s two months for me and I often look at photos and footage of happier times, holidays, birthdays, our wedding, they do make me smile and sometimes help to replace images of my husband looking sick or after he passed, but like you at the same time it makes me ache for him all the more as I feel 23 years just wasn’t anywhere near long enough. If I live a long life (I’m 47) then I am very likely to spend far many more years without the love of my life than I did with him, and that makes me sad.

    Lets hope that your next birthday may be a little easier and perhaps you can actually go out and do something by then!


  • Hi kenickiesmum 

    I have not been looking forward to my birthday today I am glad you had family around you 

    So far I started the day in tears then after walking the dog i have scrubbed the oven cleaned the banister and then will move on to the bathroom  (I know how to have fun ) every year me and Neil would do the same thing he would wake me up with a kiss give me my present then I would drag him to the zoo it was the only day he couldn't say no to me followed by a meal out .

    At least it is another first I can cross off the calendar 


  • Oh Kate, such a hard day. You’re in my thoughts 

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi kenickiesmum

    sending you a virtual hug xx I am glad you had family around you xx rant away that’s what we are here for to support each other xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Kate 41

    Hi Kate sending you a virtual hug xx thinking of you x