• 6 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Dear all, 

How could I have feelings for a sweet 77yr American lady on line that there's no chance I'll ever meet in real life?  I tried so hard to resist yet she feels the same way about me. The best we've had is 'face to face '  on Face Book Messenger. I lost my sweet Anne, my wife of 50yrs and the love of my life just 18months ago!  There will NEVER be another woman in my life - Anne and I were twin souls. The Yin and Yang  -  so what is happening to me? OK I'm lonely and a born romantic by nature. My  darling Anne had no time for that nonsense LOL Bless her soul but it was never an issue. So why now do I see an outlet for my romantic predisposition?  I feel I'm betraying Anne. Yet another part of me says '  Go ahead and woo this lady. You'll make her happy and you'll feel good as well. Im totally confused and feeling guilty at 75yrs! 

  • Why should you feel guilty for wanting some love and companionship? 

    Who sets the time you should grieve? 

    Ric always said he didn't want me to be alone! At the time I thought I wouldn't want anyone else but I found I missed company and I did want someone to actually love me again. I have now taken that chance. Granted I knew him many years ago and never dreamed we would get on but we have clicked. 

    I now enjoy my life from day to day, so grab what happiness you can is what I say. Life is too short to be unhappy and I think we all need company especially now. 

    Good luck. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • BLESS YOU Alison xx

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember

    Good for you Geoff999. Everyone deserves happiness and there is absolutely no time line on finding it. So glad you've found some company. 

  • THANKS everyone.

    But I've decided its not for me. Its been heart wrenching but the bottom line is this " MY ANNE " is the only  girl I could ever love. I've  tested myself and yet my love prevails beyond eternity Heart 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Hi Geoff999,

    This is always a difficult subject I’m sure. You spend so long with that one person and expect to share your entire life with them. But suddenly they are gone and you are alone. And as much as you miss the love of your life it is only natural that your thoughts turn to yourself and your own needs as you find a way to carry on living without them. It is lonely for sure.

    I was with my husband for 23 years and adored him. He died 8 weeks ago at just 52 and I did not expect to be alone at just 46. For me personally I cannot imagine ever wanting anyone else as he was perfect for me.  I will love him for the rest of my life and will cherish our memories forever. But, I know that I have years ahead alone so right now I am putting myself out there to stay in touch with family and friends in the hope that I don’t realise I’m lonely! I’ve also joined ‘Widowed and Young’ so that I can hopefully make new friends who just get how I feel. 

    But there is no right or wrong. You will never stop loving your Anne, she will be your true love forever, there is no expiry date on that love. But if you have a big heart then who knows, perhaps there is space for you to love someone else too. I think we all have to find our own way. X

  • Dear Bramblejoo. OMG! Im so sorry to have dumped this on you. You are too young to have to bare bereavement. I dont know what more I can say at these times. Everything anyone says  seems like well worn  platitudes I found. I'll start another post concerning my continued feelings. 

    Stay safe and look after yourself. X

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.