
  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi all just had the worse day ever 4 weeks in don’t feel like anything getting any better just worse i no I am isolating myself lucky have family living with me but can’t talk or see friends just don’t want to 

picked up ashes got letter for hospital appointment cancelled that media company shut my phone off after changing name forgot to send certificates in letter delay can’t deal with all the other stuff as well spoke to gp signed me off for a other 4 weeks worried wages will go down as already been off as I had to go sick to isolate that’s a joke in it’s self dr wrote to them 

sorry think I am angry and just need to off load x 

love and hug to you all x 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sunsarah,

    Try not to be hard on yourself, you are only 4 weeks in. I’m 7 weeks and have not been doing too bad, managing to function pretty well, but today is a particularly bad day for me and I feel very down. I think we are just going to have days like that and when we do everything seems worse in our lives.

    But tomorrow or the next day could be a slightly less bad day (maybe not ‘good’ yet) and perhaps nothings won’t feel quite so bad.

    We will all get through this one day at a time, and by supporting each other on here x

  • Hello Sunsarah

    It’s 15 weeks tomorrow for me and my emotions are still on a roller coaster- some days less bad than others, but none of them yet qualify as good. Your loss is still very recent, so please don’t be too hard on yourself. Certainly in the last couple of weeks have for me had some really low points.

    But take each day as it comes, each hour if it’s easier. Be kind to yourself, if you’re able to figure out what that might be like. Remember that getting up, dressed and eating at reasonable intervals are all positives. 

    There is lots of support on here, somdompost whenever you feel it might help.

    Sending hugs


  • FormerMember

    I'm afraid that some employers can be totally indifferent to things like this, and when you tell big business that you've had a bereavement most of them are like brick walls. My mother died in 2019 so I have had to sort her affairs out through lockdown and there were times that I felt like hitting my head on a wall. 

    You end up telling them over and over, and the whole 'Sorry for your loss' message that they start with is invalidated by their insensitivity. And at times they make you feel like a pariah for talking about somebody that has died.

    What you need to do is find somewhere quiet for a good scream because that frustration has to come out somewhere, personally I had some wood that needed chopping up it was very satisfying.