Nine months on

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

It's  nine months since I lost my husband, during that time I've had a birthday, our boys had their birthdays, our wedding  anniversary  , christmas  and on Sunday  it would have been  his 63rd birthday.  I've  thrown myself  into work and put a big smile on every day.  I have been told I'm  angry, not grieving enough? I just get on with  life as best I can and support  my boys who have been  absolutely  fabulous (they're  24 &26).

We all deal with things as best we can who's to know how we feel  individually? Who has the right to tell us we're  doing it wrongly?  What is the right way?  I guess it's  what feels  best for the individual at the time.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nish63,

    I don’t think that there is a magic formula for dealing with grief as humans by their very nature are all very different. Some of us are able to move forward into some semblance of normality whilst carrying their grief with them, whilst others find it almost impossible to ever do so. Some manage to function, some don’t. Some cry, some get angry, some talk about it to anyone and everyone, some keep it in. So we can only deal with our loss in the best way possible for ourselves, you sound like you’re doing an amazing job, particularly when you are also trying to support your boys who are also grieving. X

  • Hi Nish63.

    Grief is very personal,  there isn't a right or wrong way to  grieve,  its what is right for you ss an individual,  we all cope with our pain in  our own way,  

    Take care xx